Hooray Cindy Stowell wins again connected by the numbers.
If you watch this episode Cindy almost lost. It was Julia who was owning everyone and Cindy came back on Final Jeopardy to win.
Julia=53....of course.
The Final question of the 2nd round was this above answered correctly by Julia.
It was originally a $1,600 question and she could've bet more or less but instead left it at $1,600.
The 16th prime number of course is 53.
The answer was "Henry Miller".
Alex says: "Tropic of Cancer" was the novel. haha nice Cancer joke they put in there.
Julia Kite=44
Henry Valentine Miller=241
The 53rd prime number is 241.
Interesting too as Henry Miller died age 88.
The Final Jeopardy question answer was "Maryland"=88
The other lady Colleen guessed "California"=88.
Maryland and California the only states that equal 88.
Cindy wins by 1 dollar today. She finishes with #23,801.
2381 is the 353rd prime number.
Six Day Champion=161
Cindy Stowell=161
The question involved Maryland but the 2 people in the question were "Katie Ledecky, Michael Phelps"=238....Cindy beats Julia who has 23,800 and wins with 23801.
Tweet of the day....Colleen Cooper says Cindy is explaining how she accidentally knew the Final Jeopardy question...I'm sure.
16th prime is 53.
If you look up Julia you find she was on a different game show called "The Chase" in 2014 and won $115,000 between these 3 people.
How in the world does someone get on 2 game shows? I guess she's just lucky lol.
The Chase=33
Scottish Rite Freemasonry=115
Another 318 to add is the Book "Tropic of Cancer" is 318 pages long.
One Hundred Eighty Three=238
Once again I'm sure there's more, but I didn't analyze a lot of questions and there's other stuff I want to look into today than this.
(S)he looks like a clone of Ted Cruz. Katy Perry recently said Orlando Bloom looks like Jennifer "Anis"tan. Interesting comment given there is suspicion about Jennifer's gender.