This story reminds me a lot of the new South Park season. They joke about the recent election and social media.
Anyway in the 2nd episode Heidi Turner quits social media and everyone treats it like she died.
Gerald Broflovski=77
Bana Alabed=77(jewish)
There has to be a connection to the new South Park season and the new Trolls movie too.
I love how this story also shows us her Tweet about her house being blown up and she almost died. I guess they managed to save the Wifi signal so she could post about it on twitter?
Aleppo= 29, 65
Seven=29, 65
Skank Hunt=29(Title of SP episode)
Internet Troll=65
Today is also 74 days after Heidi Turner left Social Media on South Park.
Skanthunt 42.
Even better in this article is that they tell us J.K. Rowling sent this girl eBooks of Harry Potter.
Remember this movie called Troll? The main character in the movie is named Harry Potter Jr.
Harry Potter=65
I'm gonna try and re-watch this movie tonight, I haven't seen it since I was a kid.
Too bad I've never watched or read any of the JK Rowling's Harry Potter stuff, might have to break down and do that at some point as well.
You will be trapped in the Potter-verse forever! Ao much esoteric symbolism. Gets heavier as it goes. No way one person wrote those.