Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Artemis I Launch Now Set For 9/3-Michael Jackson


They are now saying the launch of Artemis I will be on 9/3..
The 246th day in the 246th year of the US..
9/3 or 3/9..
The original date was 39 days after Zachs 39th bday.
New York=39
New York Mets=246(FB)

Michael Jackson=246(FB)

9/3 will be 226 days after Buzz Aldrins bday...makes me think of the 93' WTC Bomb on 2/26..

This also makes it 1 month 13 days after Zachs bday, or when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon..

In relation to Michael Jackson too...I wonder if it's important to Colin Kaepernick recently having a baby...
Jackson sang at the 93' Super Bowl Halftime...I'll have to go back and look, but I know that was important to the national Anthem symbolism...or Maybe I'm mixing it up with the Beyonce Formation performance..  regardless Kaepernick important to 93.

Manchester Arena Bombing important to 93..


  1. Just mentioned 793. Michael Jackson begins his 793rd lunar month on September 6th

  2. Michael Jackson and Donald Trump born exactly 151 lunar months apart. Jackson turns 793 on 10/10. DJT will be 944

  3. On that date Kamala Harris will be 717 lunar months old. The number you mentioned recently

  4. Tomorrow Kamala Harris will be the exact same age Prince was when he died. 319 days after her 57th birthday.
