George Floyd died on the 146th day.
Colin Kaepernick=146
This story comes 5 months 9 days before Kaepernick's bday..
Colin Rand Kaepernick=93
Minneapolis, Minnesota=93
This murder comes 93 days before the original day Kaepernick knelt...
Darnella Frazier=93(Filmed the George Floyd video)
This happened in Minnesota where Super Bowl 52 was played...synced up to Trump calling out the Kneeling.
Philando Castile died a span of 52 days before Kaepernick originally knelt on the 239th day of 2016.
52nd prime is 239.
I Can't Breathe=52
Think about "I Can't Breathe" in regards to Coronavirus too.
Recall, Prince also died in 2016 too.
It's crazy as I had no idea about this story until today when I saw it on Facebook. Last night I wrote all about the native american theme that started with Prince dying...synced up to the Moon/Pope Francis 9/23.....which oddly enough is the day Trump called out the NFL for Kneeling....Kaepernick originally knelt 9 months 23 days after his bday...
It's also interesting, I'm noticing this the same day the SpaceX launch gets canceled. It's not necessarily important to the Moon...but notice they rescheduled it for 5/30...which is 51 days before the 51st anniversary of the Moon landing.
Notice the 3:22 reminds me that Philando Castile was killed by a cop named Jeronimo.....recall Geronimo Allison was the leading reciever in the original game where Kaepernick knelt....also how Geronimo is important to Skull and Bones...
Skull and Bones=201(FB)
Neil Alden Armstrong=201
Aldrin born on 20/1.
The Moon landing on the 201st day..
The Jesuits/Illuminati and coronavirus synced to 201.
NEIL Armstrong? Kneeling?
Remember how George Clooney was important to Prince dying too....and I mentioned him with Batman/Coronavirus/Toy Story....Buzz Lightyear...Buzz Aldrin
Remember how Philando Castile and Alton Sterling were important to Blue Lives Matters in Louisiana too.
Tiger=201(Jewish) and 76
Castile dies on 7/6.
Also how it was synced to Obama/Lil Wayne/Omaha/Fairs and McKinley being assassinated in Buffalo.
MJ won his 6th championship on Trumps 52nd birthday