Yesterday the reporting was 44 today it's 126.
Lake Victoria=126
Lake Victoria=44(septenary)
What stands out to me right away is the lake is named after Queen Victoria who was the longest reigning UK/English Monarch until Queen Elizabeth. Victoria ruled for 63 years and this story comes 63 days after the Duck Boat Drowning.
Remember on September 13th 2016 too there was a story of the HMS Terror being found. The ship was used in the Battle of Baltimore that was happening on this same day....The ship was found in Victoria Strait...
HMS Terror Found
Victoria died age 81...Francis Scott Key born on 8/1 and died age 63.
Lake Victoria=81(rev red)
In the above link I also talked about how it was connected to the 112th World Series and the Indians.
We even got Adam Jones of the BALTIMORE Orioles talking about Kneeling on that day and he was born on 8/1.
Then on the anniversary of Victoria dying we got the death of ROYAL Yordano Ventura(1/22). Ventura's bday was 6/3.
Pope Francis=122 and is 81 years old....81 has been the important Bridge number connected to Pope Francis.
Remember Victoria died exactly 51 years 15 days before Elizabeth became Queen. Victoria died on 1/22 which was 122 days before her bday.
Trump is exactly 15 years 51 days Older than Obama.
Pope Francis was 15 years old in 51'.
Also this coming so close to 9/22 is interesting as well.
Victoria surpassed George III for longest reigning....
He was coronated on 9/22.
Pope Francis visited America on 9/22.
French Republic established on 9/22.
Elizabeth was born 9,220 days after Victoria died.
Also 9/9 and 9/22 are the same Julian and Gregorian...
9/9 is when Elizabeth surpassed Victoria for longest reigning.
Think about how 99 is important to football this year as well.
Joseph Smith was allowed to take the plates on 9/22 as well in regards to the Native American theme I was mentioning.(Lamanites are the native americans)
Think about how the Mormons sync up to the kneeling theme as well.
Mormon=34, 88
The Book of Mormon is 239 Chapters.
Kneel=88=The Star Spangled Banner=Colin Kaepernick
I need to review my old information as I'm sure there is a riddle with Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family with this one.
Think about too how before King George III the longest reigner was King James(Bible).
Funny I was looking up Queen Victoria last week. This May 24, 2019 is the 200th anniversary of her birth. I wrote a lengthy comment on Zack's blog "August 11, 2019 watch thread" written on September 12th regarding the date August 11, 2019 which he's looking at. I compared some of the Royals to that date. There seemed to be Royal connections. I also checked out what date was 811 days before 8/11/19 and was startled to see it was May 22/17, the date of the Ariana Grande Manchester bombing! Also August 11 is the 223rd day of the year and May 22 is the date leaving 223 days in the year! Also May 22/17 was the date Trump visited Jerusalem and the Western Wall. Also looked at the reverse of 811 118 days before 8/11/19 and found April 15th, that is a loaded date full of events such as the Titanic sinking, Lincoln's death, Boston Marathon bombing, and more.
ReplyDeleteAlso noticed from September 20/18 to Aug 11/19 is 10 months 22 days, like 1/22, Victoria's death date which will be 118 years ago this January.