Josh Donaldson traded to the Indians today. Couldn't be a more fitting day to go to the Indians.
It says the last time he played for the Blue Jays was May 28th...
May 28th is the 148th day of the year and it's also 148 days before the World Series this year.
Cleveland Indians=148
If you go from the last time he played to today it's 95 days.
Cleveland Indians=95(rev red)
Blue Jays=95
Josh Donaldson=51 and 150
We know about Cleveland and 51...
World Series=150
Interesting too that this story comes 99 days before his bday....We also got a story today of Aaron DONALD's contract with the Rams. He wears # 99 and born on 5/23...
99th prime is 523.
It was 99 days(August 30th) after his bday.
Aaron Donald=99
It's the 99th season of the NFL.
Remember too that the Rams were originally from Cleveland.
Think about Donald Trump's big connection to Cleveland as well.
Donald Trump=523(satanic)
8/31 when trade went diwn-12/8. Donaldsons bday is 14w 1d. 114th ws this year. 99d. 3m 8d. Ninety nine=57,51,141. World series=105,57. Third eighth=71. Hasn't it been 71 years since indians win last ws? Nine nine=132. Game 1 of ws is 1023. Nine nine=48,84. Indians last won ws in 48. Nine ninth=107. Keep an eye on indians.
ReplyDelete83 is 23rd prime. It sums to 84. Indians are going to ws soon. This year or next i bet.
DeleteOne four one=128. Donaldsons bday.
DeleteType in hawaii. Numbers match exactly with indian. Remember the storm that hit hawaiiw. Lane?. Indian=51,33,111,39. Hawaii=51,33,111,39. Hurricane lane =222. Isn't Cleveland in its 222nd year of being around?
ReplyDeleteCleveland indians world series championship=222 indians world series champ=114.2018 world series champchamps=218. I bet game 5 will decide the champion.
ReplyDeleteNot related to the post but I thought you might find it interesting:
ReplyDeleteToday the Indians play the Royals and it's Danny Duffy vs Mike Clevinger
They have the exact same birthday (2 years apart), and get this, they both debuted on May 18th as well!
Duffy's nickname is Chill Sergeant
Chill Sergeant = 133, 218, 74
Mike Clevinger = 133, 218, 74
Same birthday, same debut date, same gematria