Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Strange Video Call from Bangladesh late last night that woke me up-443 The 86th Prime


I just wanted to post this before I got to work, but last night around 2:45 I was awaken by a strange turned out to be someone trying to call me on Facebook. I had just fell asleep so I was super tired and I finally figured out what it was...but I honestly have no idea how I got hooked up to this call or why lol. I then went back to bed and figured I would look at it this morning....
Bangladesh=443(Fibonacci) and 467(Tri)
The 91st prime is 467
The 86th prime number is 443. 
Greg Bowe=186(FB) and 218(Fibonacci)


  1. "The Sun" = 443 Jewish
    That's one Derek and I like to spot.

  2. Here's Greg's youtube channel

    He currently has 739 subs. 131st prime

    Greg Bowe = 134
    Bowe n Arrow = 134
    Tisha Bav = 134
    Bowe n Arrow = 186 and 266 in the bacon ciphers

  3. Zach talking about idris alba today. IA
