Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Boondock Saints Emphasis On 50 Caliber and Angels In relation To My Pizza Hut Post-Fingerling 8/6/22

So I finally finished watching "The Boondock Saints" earlier. I started it last night but fell asleep...

Anyway, I noticed last night that towards the beginning of the film they put emphasis on "50 Caliber"...they say it like 3 times in a scene.....and then a bit later, the same cop says "they're ANGELS" more than once...

I just stands out because I've been following the Angel theme...

Plus, last night I blogged about Pizza Hut and how I only had 2 previous posts about it...Notice one of them had to do with me finding the CD at Pizza called "Calibre 50"...a Mexican band...which means 50 Caliber..

So I know me seeing this in the film is important.

Further, the newest member in the band Calibre 50 is named "Angel."
I find his last name funny too because the whole reason I went to Pizza Hut was for the White SAUCE...his name Saucedo.

Further, my old post with Calibre 50 had a lot to do with the number 713...
Tyler Skaggs, the Angel's player, was born on 7/13.

Think how I was talking about the Angel of Independence statue in relation to Los Angeles, the city of Angel's, and Erathquakes before Tyler Skaggs died too...then we had an Earthquake in Los Angeles on Independence Day that year after Tyler Skaggs died.

7/13 is the 194th day..
The Boondock Saints=194
Should we watch for an Earthquake or something in Mexico or Los Angeles on 7/13?

13/7 or 7/13
I have to include this in this post...So Im laying in bed writing this post and I happened to look over at my door...I noticed something was hanging on the hinges ties to a I got up and found this dragon toy with black way my boys could've hung it that high so I went and asked Claire if she did and what it was....She said she hung it there and it's a Fingerling....Now all I can think about is the date 8/6...because in 2019, Fingerling was a huge connection to theAlex Jones-Pink-Duck Theme on 8/6.
Oddly enough, it's just after midnight so the date is now 6/8 or 8/6.
A big piece to the cop finding the identity of the main characters in The Boondock Saints also has to do with Roccos Finger being shot off too..

It's just weird that this thing was hanging behind the door...I wonder how long because this is the first I've seen it...

I wonder about Christopher Lloyd too..the head Angel in Angel's in the Outfield...because my Calibre 50 post involved TIME...and think about him in Back to the Future and building the TRAIN time machine.



  1. Went to the original post and made some comments about how today lines up with the Rust shooting. My cousin Bobby who I was named after died last year on the anniversary of the Moon Landing. He and my dad used to play Rook together on line and even did a few tournaments like in Kentucky or something. A rook is a member of the crow family. I noticed he died 93 days before the Rust shooting. Alec Baldwin born on the 93rd day. Saturn = 93

  2. I believe you were looking at the 11/19/1999 release. Weird cause the wiki thumbnail shoes that 1/22/1999 date. O well

  3. If you ask google when the premier was it also gives you 1/22/1999 as well

  4. I've been watching Hocus Pocus nonstop for the past few weeks then we get this story on CNN yesterday about someone vandalizing the Bewitched statue in Salem. My daughter who's about to turn 2 loves it too. She'll sent down and watch ParaNorman with me too.

  5. Someone at work this week showed me a screenshot of some "Mild Bobby Sauce" from Spongebog Squarepants.
