Monday, June 20, 2022

Breckenridge Shirt Synchronicity After My Blog Post Last Night-1114 and Reverse Primes Cipher. 11 14


Last night I blogged about the Colorado Avalanche in relation to my canceled trip to Breckenridge back in January. Today I woke up and my kids wanted to go to the Dollar Store with me to get some juice. I told them that we had to get clothes on and I went upstairs to find them some clothes. Of course, the first shirt I see is one that says "Breckenridge, Colorado" on it lol...I'm not sure where we got this shirt either....I'm assuming my sister bought it as she still went on that Ski trip? Either way, it's crazy that this would be the first shirt I see...

So I put this shirt on Zamien and then got Alistair dressed and we went to the Dollar Store. I noticed that Zamien started randomly singing a song he made up with the numbers 11 and 14 though...He kept singing, "11..14....11...14...11..14" over and over again....So it makes me wonder if there is something important to 11/14 or something with 11 and 14. 

Zamien James Behrendt=1114(Reverse Primes)

What else is interesting is that if you search my blog for "reverse primes" you will see that I mentioned the cipher should be paid attention to in a post about Zach and SciManDan. That post also invovled my sister, who is important to the Breckenridge/Ski narrative.  I mentioned a ton about 218 in that post and today is a span of 2 months 18 days before 11/14.   Today is also Father's Day, and I blogged about my sister involving the child molesting priest(Father Howard) I had as a kid. 

1 comment:

  1. Finally put on Hustle last night. Probably got 30 minutes in before I fell asleep. Was real excited to see Dr. J. Wore two numbers in his career: 32 & 6 and his career points total was 30,026. It hit me this morning cause I got a redbull and a pack of crackers and have the clerk $25 and said put the rest in gas so I got $21.61 in gas. That's the 326th prime. Kobe died at 2161 weeks old 326 days after Shaq's 47th bday and 326 days before Pope's 84th. Moon was at 326° of the ecliptic when he died. JFK died on the 326th day and KBB is 1122 like that date. Also the house me and 8 siblings grew up in had a 2161 address.
