Friday, June 10, 2022

Angel Gabriel Synchronicity with 52-OJ Simpson and the Las Vegas Shooting+Buffalo


Yesterday at work I was scrolling through my Facebook and I had an Ad to watch this film "I Am...Gabriel." I thought it was interesting considering the Angel stuff I have been talking about. 
ESPN had also gave me a notification about umpire Angel Hernandez, so it stuck out to me even more. I ended up watching the film lol, but It's honestly terrible film, but I thought there was something I was supposed to see with it....The only thing I can come up with is the fact that Dean Cain(Superman) is in the film. 

Anyway, when I got off work we went and watched the new Jurassic Park film in Denison. I thought it was strange because online it says it doesn't come out until today, but it was playing last night....
I'm just mentioning this in case it's important to why I am writing this blog post at a later time. I barely go to any movies in the theaters anymore, so it might be connected at a later date....

So after we got home, I figured I would look up the score of the Angels game....I saw they broke their losing streak with a score of 5-2 against the Boston Red Sox. This stood out to me because 52 was important in the original Angel stuff I talked about in May with Vice News.....Also, notice the Facebook Ad with 52K comments. 
I wasn't even going to blog about the above, but today I am sitting here eating a tombstone pizza and figured I would turn on "The Walking Dead." I didn't even realize I am now on Season 5 episode 2 until now....but they run into a new character and he tells them his name is "Gabriel." 
So what are the odds that it's season 5 episode 2 that they meet a new guy named Gabriel? To top it off, he is a priest, which has ties to Angels/God. 

So I figured I would write a blog post about this now. I hadn't clicked on the Angel Hernandez notification, so I figured I would take a screenshot, showing that I did get a notification for it. Oddly enough when I took the screenshot my phone says it will be 52 minutes to full charge. 

Looking at the Angel Hernandez story it says he hasn't been asked to ump a World Series since 2005....this was the year the Astros lost to the White Sox...
The Astros synced to the 52 narrative with the Angels too.(Matt Harvey/Tyler Skaggs). 
The article later says that Angel Hernadez had 3 bad calls in 2018 in the Yankees vs Red Sox series...2018 the year the Red Sox won the World Series though. 

I should also note that the angel Gabriel theme began in 2017...the year of Matt Harvey pitching in Houston after Hurricane Harvey...and the Astros winning the World Series. It also had a lot to do with a TWIN theme and I was following the Minnesota Twins that season....Oddly enough too, Zach arrive in Buffalo on the beginning of Gemini(Twins) and we are still currently in Gemini...

Angel Gabriel=69
Yesterday was 6/9. 
God=52(FB)...52 Letters
God=160(Fibonacci)(6/9 the 160th day)

It's also interesting that Colin Kaepernick took a knee on Angel Hernandez's bday. 
He did it in a leap year which means it was the 239th day of the year. 
52nd prime is 239. 

In relation to 2017, recall that OJ Simpson got out of jail on the same day as the Las Vegas attack. He was arrested in Vegas too....think how the Buffalo thing is synced to OJ Simpson. Think how in 2020 Ford was going to release the new Bronco on OJ's bday but then moved it to 7/13...which is Tyler Skaggs bday. 

Think how the Los Angeles Angels have ties to Disney and the Las Vegas shooting was also synced to the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando....and the shooters brother was from Orlando...the area of Walt Disney World. 

I wonder about Bob Barker now that I'm thinking about this...only because yesterday we also got the story of the 17 Golfers being suspeneded..Bob Barker...Happy Gilmore....Terry Kniess and The Price is Right were synced to the Vegas Attack. 

Kaepernick also trained with the Las Vegas Raiders recently. 
Vegas attack on Jimmy Carter's bday..

Just a random thing in here too because the Angel theme is connected to a Dream theme...but last night I dreamt that my dead grandpa Behrendt was the former Vice President lol...A bunch of people were asking me about it, and I found out he was the former Vice President and I couldn't believe I didn't know about it my whole life....It was a really strange dream, but my grandpa died on 3/10/2020....I couldn't remember what his bday was and I just looked it up...Ha! it was May 14th...the day of the Buffalo shooting. 
He died age 86...His nicknamed summed to 86...
He died 86 days before 6/4(Dream Theme date)

There is just something big I am supposed to see with 8/6/22. 

One last thing....the only preview at the Jurrasic World: Dominion film last night was none other than "Bullet Train." The film I just blogged about, which I thought was funny. 


  1. Just mentioned Hocus Pocus and here you are talking about Denison. Max & Dani Dennison

  2. I wonder too about a Super Bowl LIV connection. Joe Montana Bowl. I admit I'm not the best at predictions but Super Bowl 54 was one I called from September. I was saying the 49ers were going to make it because of the Venus coding and Jimmy Garoppolo. Of course it was more involved than that. I've been telling everyone I'm old enough to be president since I just turned 35.

    Thirty Five = 1331
    Bobby Simpson = 1331

    Today I ordered an astrology reading for $54 and the invoice number was 13031. I was at the airport in Sacramento on June 1st and I remember telling a lady about Bob Barker and Dick Van Dyke how they were still alive. She didn't believe me about Bob Barker lol.

  3. It just hit me you might actually know of the astrologer. He got his start in the music industry. Even has his own wikipedia page for music. Vic DiCara.

  4. Wife had a biscuit sync tonight. Said biscuits then the podcast she had on said biscuits right after

  5. Finally watched most of Ghostbusters Afterlife. At the end Aykroyd's character reveals he's a fan of Podcast's Podcast and that it really kicks off on the 46th episode.

  6. So I figure the 46 is mentioned because "Dan Aykroyd" = 46 single reduction. I also noticed his name is 990 Jewish. That's the 44th triangular number and "Persues" = 990 isopsephy. I searched 990 on discord cause I know I've mentioned it to Derek several times. The Super Bowl coaches for 56 McVay and Taylor were born 990 days apart. I also mentioned that I'm not the best at predictions but Derek documented this as if it were good enough to be a prediction and it involved the 990 stuff because "SUV" = 990 in the same cipher as "Dan Aykroyd".

  7. Ghostbusters Afterlife = 990 satanic

  8. In Ghostbusters Afterlife Dan Aykroyd has a revelation 6:12 tattoo. Today is 205 days after the premier on 11/19
