Another Indian actor dies today? I'm honestly surprised he didn't die on D-Day considering the previous narrative I was following.
He dies age 39 and it was 39 days after Irrfan Khan died...
I highlighted his name and went to paste it in Wikipedia and instead of putting his put "Tennessee Titans"....I'm baffled as to why my computer did this, because I haven't looked up anything about the Titans since probably January. After it put in "Tennessee Titans", my computer somewhat froze up and wouldn't let me delete it to try again....and then it all the sudden loaded Sarja's wikipedia page....
So I went back and looked at the few posts I made about the Tennessee Titans...Interesting I mention Omaha in the post due to an old rap video and a somewhat synchronicity with the Butterfly Effect guy who was also on Remember the Titans.....notice the other two videos on the screen of them involves Horse racing....which was important to the dead Indian Actor/Mandela Effect syncs I was talking about...
The other video is interesting too, because I just asked Zenith of the Alpha about George Floyd and Pink Floyd/and his flipped cipher in regards to Lil Wayne's "Funeral" Album......he then recommended me to watch his playlist on 176 that begins with the video in the picture above.
The horse John Henry was born on 3/9 and had 39 wins?
Reminds me of the Indian guy above dying age 39..
Today is also 6/7...
Mandela Effect=67
John Henry in folklore is used as an example in the Civil Rights movement...
Remember the Titans was about the Civil Rights Movement...
I also mentioned in my post about the Titans that Charles Manson's song is on the Beatles 20/20 album...
Think about his Helter Skelter Theory about Blacks Rising Up......Now think about all of the Riots and protests going on right now in regards to George Floyd.
The Chiefs the Super Bowl in connection to Super Bowl 50 that was also about the Civil Rights Movement.
The Butterfly Effect was about Hindsight...
2020 is about Hindsight..
Remember the Titans(Hindsight)
Rishi Kapoor was important to the Joker who is important to South Park....
Remember Captain Hindsight in South Park is important to the BP Oil Spill.....Titans used to be the Oilers....makes me wonder if we will get a story about Oil soon....
The BP Oil Spill happened in the area of Tropical Storm Cristobal...
Notice Captain Hindsights All Seeing Eye too....I've said forever that this knowledge is better understood by you memories and hindsight can help you understand the future.
Kansas City-Omaha Kings