We got the story of a plane with the Michigan basketball players skidding off the runway today. First thing it reminds me of is the same thing that happened to the Minnesota Vikings on 12/24/2016.
Not sure yet how it's connected but I'm sure eventually someone will or already has figured it out.
Also I instantly think of Austin Hatch the former Michigan Wolverine who was supposedly involved in 2 plane crashes in his life that killed his family.
Austin Hatch=43,52 124...173(reverse)
Plane Crash=43, 52, 97....173(reverse)
Michigan Wolverines=52
The Championship game this year will be held on 4/3.
Cernan died 77 days before 4/3.
Interesting in regards to the Supermoon on 11/14 which is normally the 318th day...
Jesus Christ=43
Purdue University=85
Neil Armstrong born on 8/5.
Eugene Cernan=58 the reflection...died 58 days before his bday.
Today is 3+8+20+17=48
Willow Run=48
Michigan is in connection to the Moon theme in regards to Wolves howling at the Moon. Also Michigan is connected to the Moon theme because 2 of the 12 men that walked on the moon went to Michigan just like Purdue. (More details below)
Big Ten=57
The last closest Supermoon was in 1948.
I had previously shown a comment in regards to Purdue possibly winning the tournament this year because of the death of Eugene Cernan..
Eugene Cernan died on 1/16....
This plane crash had 116 people on board.
Austin Hatch's last plane wreck happened 116 days before his bday in 2011.
Notice Hatch signed with Michigan on the 318th day of 2013. Also verbally on the 166th day of 2011. Both Numbers of importance I keep talking about.
He verbally committed 4 months 3 days before his bday too.
Comment about Purdue and March Madness
Notice in the link about they even mentioned Michigan in regards to the Boilermakers uniforms. It was a lot about Pi as well.
Cernan's bday is 3/14 which is the same day the Tournament starts.
He was talking about former Michigan player Spike Albrecht.
You might remember Spike Albrecht from 2013 when he was noticed in the NCAA Tournament in which Michigan lost to Louisville in the Championship game on 4/8.
Interesting that Louisville had 82 points that game too.
I remember Mitch McGary absolutely sucking in that game too.
The last time Michigan and Purdue played Michigan won with 82 points.
Neil Armstrong died age 82...
Eugene Cernan died age 82.
They both went to Purdue...The first and last to walk on the Moon.
Spike Albrecht's bday was also 82 days before the Super Moon on 11/14.
Notice the game above was the 56th day of the year.
Funny looking at my blog, I documented a Michigan vs Purdue game in 2016 as well on 2/13...Michigan won that game as well.
Purdue Boilermakers=213
2/13 the first day of Lupercalia(Wolf festival).
Michigan is also important to the Moon theme because 2 of the 12 men to walk on the Moon were Alma Matter at Michigan.
All 3 pilots on Apollo 15 also attended Michigan at some point.
Apollo Fifteen=64
The Lunar Module on Apollo 15 was also called "Falcon". This stands out because of all the Falcon stuff leading up to the Super Bowl.
In 2013 Michigan also lost to Louisville in the Georgia Dome.
Possibly nothing but interesting Michigan's coach John Beilein turned 64 years old the same day as SB 51.
Notice he replaced Tommy Amaker as Michigan coach on 4/3..2007.
Beilein replaces Amaker 64 days before his bday.
Notice Amaker and David Scott share the same bday of 6/6. Scott was the 7th person to walk on the Moon(Apollo 15).
Not sure if it's relevant but want to document that Mitch McGary's bday is also 6/6.
Mitch McGary=57=Moon
Also Trey Burke is now a Washington Wizard... I wonder if it has something to do with Michigan's flight going to Washington D.C.
Neil Armstrong died on Caris Levert's 20th bday.
I wonder about Hardaway Jr. and Robinson III as well.
More to think about, but makes me wonder if there's a connection.
Interesting too that Apollo 15 was members were only on the Moon until 8/2.
James Benson Irwin=1991(Jewish) he dies in 1991.
So who knows if Purdue or Michigan will win the tournament but I'm interested in how they are connected to the Moon/space theme and what is to come. I wouldn't doubt if we see the death of one of the 2 guys left from Apollo 15 by the end of the year or something connected to it.
Another thing I was thinking about was Apollo 15 was in the year 1971....in 1971 UCLA won it's 7th championships and in 1972 UCLA won it's 8th Championship.(7th and 8th to walk on Moon)
If UCLA wins they would get their 12th win...12 men on the Moon?
UCLA also won in 1964(Michigan). UCLA also last won in 1995 which was the last time the championship was hosted in a western state. Michigan and UCLA the last 2 teams to win it when it was in Seattle.
I've also thought possibly it's connected to Oregon..
Eugene, Oregon...Eugene Cernan?
Michigan=64=Civil Rights and more.
Makes me think of the FAB 5, but just throwing that out there. Not necessarily connected to this year, but it makes sense to put a racial divide in story about Michigan.
I made this comment on FTFT:
ReplyDeleteMichigan Wolverines?
The film Logan is about Wolverine (latest film in the X-men series), which came out on March 1, which is 33 days before the NCAA championship on April 3!
(Release day is listed as March 3, but it says "initial release date" was March 1 in France.)
Wolverine dies in the film. The character is played by
Hugh Jackman = 43, 56, 97
43 matches the championship date.
97 matches the film's budget of $97 million.
"Logan premiered at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival"
This plane crash story is on the 67th day of the year, International Women's Day.