Tuesday, January 3, 2023

YouTube Thinks I Want to Commit Suicide and Age Restricts My Kurt Cobain Video


What in hell is all I can say with this? 
I'm cooking supper and I get a notification that YouTube is has age restricted one of my videos and they apparently think I want to commit suicide lol...because I posted a video about Kurt Cobain? Like what in the hell lol...Yeah, my life has been shitty lately, but no way am I killing myself over it...and why in the hell does YouTube think I want to kill myself because of a Kurt Cobain video lol..It's hilarious...

Even more hilarious when you think how a big thing in the Gematria Community is Zach telling people to commit suicide..

If you go to 3:21 in that video as they suggested...I was talking about Kurt supposedly shooting himself and the song "Come As You Are" saying "I swear I don't have a gun." 

What's even crazier is that I worked with Paige, the new girl that I gave a copy of book to that I blogged about....but she was playing music all day and there was a ton of Nirvana. I even told her how it was funny he said he didn't have a gun...but he DID(Or what we're told).  I was rocking out too, I even told my co-workers how I felt like I was in Junior High again listening to Nirvana. Paige just turned 18, so I was surprised that her playlist would have so much Nirvana....

Paige has been telling me that she keeps seeing the number 123 and I even got to witness her randomly looking at her phone today at 12:34....and seeing the oven time at 1:23 left....I told her that when I see 123, I always think of Kanye West...I then told her about the Donda Album and Hurricane stuff with 123.....I also pointed out how Taylor Swift is always linked to him as well...and Paige's bday just so happens to 123 days before Taylor Swifts, which I thought was funny. 

Her bday is 8/12...

All I can think is how YouTube talked about my video at 3:21...123..321...

Today is 7 months 9 days before her bday...
Nirvana=34 and 79
Courtney Love born on 7/9. 
Murder=34 and 79
Kurt died 3 months 4 days before Courntey's bday. 

In relation to 226...
Kurt Cobain=226(FB)
I also blogged how I got a weird comment on my old Kurt Cobain video on 11/11/22...
Notice today is 1 month 23 days later...123...

There's a lot of interesting things here to me...
Recall how Larry Flynt was linked to Courtney Love...and my Uncle Ed Murphy was in Hustler....
Today is 4 months 7 days after my uncle's bday...
Ed Murphy=47

Courtney Love=58 and 59
She is currently 58, but will turn 59 this year...
I did say in that video that I think she might die too...so it would still be fitting considering this connection...No one would be surprised considering her drug history. 

Think about the Money Theme that was linked to Drowing as well...and how the album Nevermind has a baby in the pool trying to get a Dollar Bill...I made the blog post I'm talking about in my video on 2/19/21...219 the Big Money/Water/Drowing day...
Today is 47 days before 2/19...

Woody Harrelson may also be important considering he was born on the same day as my Uncle Barney, which makes me think it's important to my uncle Ed yet again...especially with the Umbrella stuff going on. 
Today is 201 days before Woody's bday and also 166 days before...Recall that on 1/3/2017,  I found out at the Gold Slipper that my Uncle Barney's bday was 7/23....
The Gold Slipper=166
Barney Murphy=166
So on..
166 was big with the Umbrella symbolism. 
Today is 1/3. 
This stands out to me even more because the Gold Slipper closed permanently on my Uncle Ed's bday (8/27/22). 

Further, I put the age-restricted video on YouTube on 2/22/21....which was 186 days before Ed's bday...and 10 months 12 days before 1/3...
1012 was big with Barney/Book of Daniel/Dolphins

Courtney Love also has connections to San Francisco, which I blogged about last night...
Coy Gibbs dead age 49..
JD Gibbs dead age 49. 
A lot of 49 with that Denny Hamlin/Earnhardt Theme in 2019..

Just thinking how GOLD/49 makes sense with Money. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Glad to hear you're ok. YouTube is crazy. Started reading your blog more. How you get back to posting vids soon. Take care.
