Monday, December 13, 2021

Sex and the City reboot (And Just Like That) Kills off major character-Mandela Effect Theme-Forrest Gump-The Matrix

I saw this story a few days ago but didn't take the time to blog about it...I really could care less about this show lol...but the point I want to make in this post is that they are for sure doing something with a Mandela Effect Theme recently...
Apparently it's "Sex and the City" and a lot of people remember it as "Sex in the City". 
I honestly don't have an opinion on this one because I never really watched the show...I do feel like I remember it as Sex in the City though but it's not as vivid as other Mandela Effects for me. 

It's interesting they killed off the character named "Mr. Big" too...recall that I had synchronicity with Mr. Big/James Bond and the Congo Volcano earlier this year...
129 a big Volcano number..
Nelson Mandela=129 and 256(FB)
Mandela Effect=256 and 67
Chris Noth=129 and 256(FB)
The Congo=129 and 256(FB)
Chris Noth is 67 years old. 

Notice his character had a heart attack too which reminds me of Medina Spirit who is synced to the Mandela Effect. 

Notice how this show and episode premiered on 12/9 too...
The original Sex and the City had 94 episodes, so this also is somewhat like the 95th episode..
Mandela Effect=95
Mandela died age 95..
And Just Like That=95 and 456(FB)

It's funny because "And Just Like That" reminds me of Forrest Gump, who people also have a Mandela Effect with..."Life IS like a box of Chocolates" instead of WAS....Although, I've never been big on this one because his mom says "IS" and he later says "WAS" they are both in the film which could have confused people. 

Anyway, maybe there is something important to Forrest Gump...I would laugh if all the sudden Forrest is spelled with one "R" or something because I have an experience from High School involving a girl that was amazed it was spelled with 2 "R's" while watching it in class. 
Think about Tom Hanks in the film "Big" too...Mr. Big..

I just searched Forrest Gump on my blog and I have a post involving the Haley Joel Osment film "I'll Follow You Down"...Of course, he is Forrest Gump's son but also the "I See Dead People" kid...and think how a big thing I've recently mentioned was how Scary Movie no longer says, "I See White People." 

I really think it has to do with AI because Haley Joel Osment is in the film "A.I." Think about the Matrix and also Rufus Sewell in the film "Dark City" that is much like "The Matrix." 

I've also been thinking about comparing The Matrix to the truth community lately too...Most people would agree that the Matrix is a very true film thus why a lot of the truth community uses the term "Awake" when it comes to seeing "Truth"....but what I don't think most people think about is what happens in the other Matrix's revealed that the A.I actually created Zion for the small amount of people who can see through the Matrix.....So basically they created Zion for the awake people and then destroy it and reset the Matrix every 70 to 100 years....they also manipulate the people in the real world into doing certain things while inside the basically even though people are awake, they are still being manipulated and controlled.  This is exactly the concept I have been talking about forever...they created the truth movement and control it just like how they control everyone else. The problem is that most "awake" people aren't seeing this deeper layer...almost like a matrix inside a matrix.

I'm interested to see the plot of the new Matrix film now too to see how it possibly relates to this thought. 



  1. Hocus Pocus 2 coming out in 2022 too

  2. Mr. Big reminds me of that song "Just to be the next to be with you". They were still wearing that out on the radio about 20 years ago.

  3. Shit man, I was watching them do it live in Tokyo on some youtube video and he honestly made me think of Janis Joplin. Lol, someone backs me up on this apparently: they overlaid Janis Joplin's voice over To Be With You. J.J. is 10.10. Eric Martin born 10/10.

  4. Tiger Woods is being brought back to light, with his son "Charlie". They are playing an exhibition ,father/son Charity event this coming weekend
