Sunday, May 15, 2022

Kevin Bacon in the film "Friday The Thirteenth" in Relation to Fred Ward's Death Reported on 5/13-Robert Englund born on D-Day-Omaha Beach/Mandela Effect-Hocus Pocus


I've been trying to figure out why they waited to release the death of Fred Ward until Friday the Thirteenth(5/13)....Notice that Kevin Bacon was in the original Friday the Thirteenth film....Think how Kevin Bacon is in the film "Tremors" with Fred Ward. 
Notice Kevin Bacon was also born in Philadelphia....
The JFK film...Apollo 13....

I've also been saying how the DREAM Theme is related to this in relation to FREDDY Kreuger...think about Friday the Thirteenth and A Nightmare on Elm Street. 

Remember the 2019 Tisha B'Av narrative with Slipknot/Kanye and now the DREAM theme was synced to the Francis BACON ciphers....Iowa the leading producer of PIGS...Chinese PIG Year....Paul Gray(The Pig)....

Kevin Norwood Bacon=515(FB)
The Des Moines Area code is 515...

Remember that the Kevin Bacon film "The Darkness" was synced to the 2016 World Series...and we had the Shooting in Des Moines right next to where I used to live on the same day as Game 7 of the World Series. 

It can't be a coincidence that Robert Englund(Freddy Krueger) was born on D-Day either. Recall that the Mandela Effect Theme is important to the Horse Omaha Beach/D-Day....

Freddie Mercury...Queen..
Robert ENGLUND...
Maybe pay attention to Queen Elizabeth or the Royal Family on D-Day...Death Day? 

I made a video earlier saying I was going to go to bed after I saw this Kevin Bacon stuff....but my friend/bandmate Pat called me just after I finished and asked if I wanted to come to the bar with him. He was in town because his Ukelele Band played a house party in the area tonight. I'm a sucker for going out and talking to people, so although I am was tired, I went to the bar. I am still up lol now at 3am because drinking gives me energy. Anyway, my cousin Ryan was there and he was talking about me DJing and some movie called "The Goods" that I have never seen. Basically the DJ in the film plays a bunch of weird when people request stuff is what I got out of what he was talking about...Pat then told me that I should play the song "Hocus Pocus" by the band Focus, if I ever want to do something like that...He loves the song Hocus Pocus apparently....
I just find it funny though, because the film "Hocus Pocus" is synced to this same Mandela Effect Theme. 
This happening, or this song has to be related to what I am talking about....
Further, I went to the Dollar Store earlier and bought a Mop so I could  clean our kitchen. The lady in front of me asked me about the mop and I almost made some dumb joke about how I was a high class witch and I sold my broom for a mop..but then I stopped myself because it was just too dumb lol. 

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget Kevin Bacon and Jimmy Fallon covering the horses version of Free Falling
