Thursday, May 26, 2022

Angel Baby Sync at Niagara Falls-Prince and Vice President Mike Pence in Relation to My Native American Theme-Los Angeles Angels


I'm wondering about this VICE President narrative...Recall how Angel Baby had the 144 sync in Niagara Falls on the 144th day....

Whenever I think of Niagara Falls it always reminds me of Prince the singer....They colored Niagara Falls purple on the day he died, but said it was a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II's bday.....but Vanity had died 67 days earlier and she was from Niagara Falls. 

Recall that Prince was synced to my native american theme...Also, the Indianapolis Colts owner bought Prince's Yellow Cloud Guitar reminding me of Chief Yellow Smoke and so on....

Prince's bday was 6/7, which meant he shared a bday with Vice President Mike Pence. Although, Pence was not yet the Vice President when Prince died. 

Mike Pence is from Indiana, the land of the Indian. 

The 19th prime is 67. 

Indiana is the 19th state. 

Now we have the 19 Children killed in Texas. 


Further, to add the Skull and Bones narrative to this...

Mike Pence=322(FB)

Vice President=149, 201(FB), 254(FB)

Skull and Bones=149, 201(FB), 254(FB)

June 6th is 6/7 or 7/6..

Skull and Bones=76

Bush will be 76 years old on 7/6. 

Indiana even became a state on John Kerry's bday 12/11. 


I also have a post about Charles Barkley being around the Los Angeles Angels when he might've had coronavirus..In that post I mentioned Barkley telling Pence to "Shut the Hell Up," so this made me think it might be important further. I don't have that many posts about the Los Angeles Angels and this being one of them makes me think Mike Pence may be important. 

Remember my native american theme had a lot to do with Zachary Taylor too..Taylor's Vice President was Millard Fillmore who would later die in Buffalo. Recall the boy ate by the alligator was linked to Zachary Taylor too, and he was honored by Millard High School Football Team. 

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