This morning before work I went to CNN real quick to see the stories like I usually do. I saw this story about a couple married for 65 years dying hours apart in the same nursing home...It drew my attention for an unknown reason...I scrolled past it...but then went back and took a screenshot because I just felt drawn to the was the only story I took a screenshot of before work...and I seriously felt so drawn to it, I figured I'd better take a pic just in case there was something important to it.
So of course I get to work and we finally switch out so I can run the register about 20 minutes later. My first customer tells me she has to go to a double funeral today...apparently her relatives died 8 days apart and they just had the funerals combined...They of course were a married old couple. They have the last name HOUSTON as well..
The farmers sitting at the table must've heard her telling me this as one of the guys started talking about the story that I took a screen shot off just as she was leaving.
It also stands out to me that they died on 1/10 and 1/18. The last time I wrote anything for the book, it was about the Falcon Heavy launch and how it synced up to David Bowie and Glenn Frey...
David Bowie died on 1/10
Glenn Frey died on 1/18.
I failed to mention Bill Paxton dying in this section, because I couldn't figure out how to fit it in....also interesting it's all about 49 and recently the major narrative I'm seeing seems to be about 49 and San Francisco...
Remember the Eagle named CLARK that landed on the Notre Dame fan was synced to Dwight Clark's death in Montana and Joe Montana playing for Notre Dame.
The next customers after her were 2 guys I know talking that came up at the same time. After they left I got on Facebook to see if I could find the obituaries of the people who died on her Facebook. When I went to Facebook, this is the first post that came up....It just so happened to be a post from one of the guys talking just after the lady left.
It was a post about a whole different lady dying, which I thought was strange....He's the next in line and then my Facebook gives me a post from him about an obituary...
This guy is a big Raiders fan as well, which sticks out considering Oakland is in the San Francisco Bay area..
Dan Buter=50 and 131
Both important to the Super Bowl..
Morrison=121, 49, 50
Todays date is 1/21..
In 2015 I would have said..
revelation=49, 121
Have to think more about this...there is another old lady that recently died at the nursing home in Dunlap. My girlfriend who works there told me about it after she saw it on Facebook. She said Betty was fine yesterday when I worked, and was sad cause she was one of her favorite residents. I was like yeah I know Betty really well...she used to drink with us at the Gold New Years eve she took out her false teeth and made out with my best friend too.
Montana born in New Eagle. Reid former Eagles coach. Pennsylvania connections