I saw this story at work yesterday on CNN headlines. Shaun Weiss the Mighty Ducks actor was arrested again for breaking into a garage while on Meth.
The interesting thing is the night before I had documented about the film Heavyweights that stars many of the Mighty Ducks characters....Kenan/Shaun Weiss/Aaron Schwartz..
In my post I mentioned the part about Ben Stiller doing the sit up into Shaun Weiss' butt and then not long after I saw that Keenan was wearing an Ankh necklace...
I then had a weird sync with Kobe Bryant and Buzzfeed.
Anyway I didn't blog about it as I fell alseep and just posted my post...but I looked up my Mighty Ducks stuff in the mix, because I figured there was something important to Goldberg again...He was the only person I looked up again on Youtube and I noticed he had a bday of 8/27 which is connected to Haile Selassie...this year being 12/21/12 on the Ethiopian Calendar.
Then the next day I'm standing there at work and I went to CNN and saw this story....right after I looked at the story, my dad came in the store...which isn't neccesarily odd, but I really don't see him that much in the store..only once in a while. He literally walked in the door as I was putting my phone down though...and recall before the Duck Boat drowning my dad was a big piece to all of it....the Father symbolism was important to 63 and the priests at my church....Interesting to note that my dad will turn 63 years old on 4/11 this year...In the mix of it, I mentioned how I think it's more connected to his father/my grandpa....so I'm just wondering if my grandpa is going to die this year. At the time, he had found out he had cancer and they got it, but I learned a few weeks ago that it came back and he had surgery today....which is my moms birthday too...
My old information about Goldberg was all about the number 39...
Sam and I had a synchroncity with the Mighty Ducks and a Duck theme 3 months 9 days before Shaun Weiss' bday...
Shaun Weiss=39
He was 39 years old that year and the Duck Boat drowning happened 39 days before his bday...
I also noticed I had a post about Shaun Weiss in regards to the Mighty Ducks being from Minneapolis, where the Lakers are originally from. In the film he says he's gonna move back to Philly, but then never does....I just find this interesting considering Weiss is now 41 years old and he gets arrested just after Kobe Bryant dies super connected to 41.
Notice the story just below Shaun Weiss being arrested is about Philadelphia and Allen Iverson as well...
Also I remember that one of Sam's first blog posts was about Kenan and Kel in connection to Kobe Bryant.
Keenan is also currently 41 years old.
The main character in Heavyweights is Aaron Schwartz..
Notice he is 39 years old and his bday is 4/1 or 1/4..born in 81....Think about that in relation to Kobe...
He was also in Pete and Pete, which I know was one of Sam's favorite shows as a kid.
Remember how Batman is important to the Aurora symbolism...the Duck stuff important to the Aurora Bridge...
Aurora Bridge=65
Kenan was born 3 months 13 days before Kobe..
65th prime is 313..
Aaron Schwartz=65
The Mighty Ducks=65
The Keenan and Kel show had 65 episodes...and came out
Mighty Ducks=157
Kobe Bryant=157
The Kenan and Kel show had 65 episodes...
Remember Kel is in the film "Like Mike 2" that is important to Zion Williamson and Michael Jordan....
I just went and looked at this movie again and someone vandalized the wikipage the day after Kobe died...
Like Mike=39
Remember all the Bow Wow stuff connected to Blackface/Virginia was important to 39 as well...
Like Mike Two=65
The film came out on 6/6/06..
The sync with Sam also involved Saturday Night Live and Chinese...Duck Sauce....that's why Kenan was so important too.
Also Will Ferrell is the guy who says the Duck Sauce line..Kobe made a cameo in the Ferrell film called "Daddy's Home 2"...
Mark Wahlberg born on 6/5...
Adding some random things here...but Ben Stiller is the bad guy in Heavyweights...notice he is 54 years old right now...a big number around Kobe..
There were other things like Allen Covert(Grandma's Boy) was in Heavyweights. I had no idea until I watched it the other night and realized he was the camera guy.
I wonder if we will start seeing things connected to the Duck theme again...Pink...Drowning..Finger...Alex Jones....trying to remember it all.
I just realized too that in Sam's blog post he mentioned how we were kicked out of Russell Blattberg's Facebook group for sharing gematria...
The only meme I shared was one I made about Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant in regards to the number 678...so there is something with this for sure...
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