Thursday, August 19, 2021

Zenith's video about my book and the relationship between 8, 6 and 21


I watched this video by Zenith about my book and I am mind blown lol. 
I don't think there could have been a more perfect day to release this thing after watching this video. I had no idea about the things he was talking about..such as..I released it on 8/6/21..
The 8th Fibonacci is 21 and the 6th Triangular is 21...
Also the number 8 is the 6th Fibonacci. 

Also today is the 231st day of the year...
The 21st Triangular number is 231

I always seem to learn so much from's like he could tell me something that someone else has been telling me for months and it doesn't register until I hear it from him..if that makes sense. I don't always get it right away either, but I feel like the things that register from him make me feel as though I've advanced my understanding of this knowledge. He is the reason I named the book "The Synchromystic", he's the reason I realized the Francis Bacon ciphers so important and lot more. This really makes me think that 8/6/22 is the same type of thing. There may not be anything big that happens this day, but this date will help me understand patterns, a foundation, if you will. I also think that because of this date I am going to realize something new that is important to this knowledge...such as the Francis Bacon ciphers(2019) and the Reverse ciphers(2016/2017). 

This doesn't mean I don't learn things from other people too lol. I'm just stating that the connection feels deeper with Zenith for whatever the reason. 

There's some interesting connections to 86 to my recent Field of Dreams posts too..
Eighty Six=169(FB) and 117
August Sixth=169, 221(FB) and 128
Field of Dreams=169(FB) and 117
Chicago White Sox=169
Detroit Tigers=169
Kevin Costner=169

Zenith also pointed out the connection to 36 in the video and that 8/6 is 36 days before 9/11....9/11 connected to 218...8/6 is the 218th day...
The 36th triangular number is 666. 
Thirty Six=55
God=55 and 10
Satan=55 and 10
The 10th Fibonacci and Triangular number is 55. 

I take it that I am supposed to pay attention to Fibonacci and Triangular numbers....It's funny as I even wrote in the book that I haven't studied these things enough and I didn't include much about them, yet I know they are important. 

I find it more interesting because I documented back on 3/6 how I should pay attention to the Trigonal cipher. This was because of my brothers friend Ben Jackson....he was supposed to golf with us on 8/7 but then couldn't come for some reason..

Ha, I was just randomly typing in some topics I've discussed with Zenith...
Charles Manson=1109(Trigonal)
This reminds me of the airplane in Afghanistan...
Plus 1109 is the 186th prime number....
186 has been very special to a lot of things I've followed...9/11 is even a span of 186 days after Osama bin Laden's bday. 

Field of Dreams=643(Fibonacci) and 117
117th prime is 643. 
The number 643 is also written on Kevin Costner's scorecard while at the A's vs Red Sox game in the film. 

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