Thursday, July 14, 2022

Cross Synchronicity At Work Involving Train Wreck

 I blogged last night about giving a stranger a ride...his last name was "Cross."

At around 2 or 3 before I went to bed, I checked my Facebook and saw that Bobby had messaged me with stuff involving "Cross."...I was exhausted so I went to bed and am now at work....

Within the first few minutes a guy named Danny with 2 Cross Tattoos on his arm came back to the kitchen to bullshit and get a breakfast sandwich...He comes in about everyday and talks to us for pry 10 minutes.....but Ive never noticed the cross tattoos before I asked him if they stood for something like...dont double cross him....

He then showed me the tattoos closer. One is for his deceased dad and the other for his brother.

He told me that his dad died because he got hit by a TRAIN outside of town years ago...Like what are the odds?...

What's even crazier is that this guy always tells me about my uncles, because him and his brother used to hang out with them...I never realized it until after I said asked him today..but they used to hang out with a guy named "Moe" or "Mo" too...I just know my Uncle Wally always tells me stories about MO and how crazy he was back in the there's even a MO sync related to this somehow...

I also find this interesting...I just went to Facebook and one of the first posts was of Lani getting a portable hot tub...Lani is synced to the Dream/Psychic Theme and is also from Missouri, or MO...
It stands out because on 6/12 I message Jasmine about getting one of these...I really want one, but also don't want to spend 500 bucks..but we talked about it for days lol..

I started this post earlier...but a few minutes ago we were talking about a girl I work with and how her brother committed suicide a few years ago...
For some reason that sparked me to tell Katelynn about the Cross synchronicity I have been having today/blogging about..

Katelynn then started laughing because another co-worker, Daina, came in today and found this cross necklace in her shorts...Apparently she had no idea it was there and felt something in her pants earlier to find this cross lol....I had no idea this even happened until Katelynn told me...

I have no idea what this means lol...but today is 14/7...
Dan Behrendt=147(FB)

I wonder about the X on railroad Crossing signs too..

Have to look at Bobby's message again when I get home now too..

It's also interesting that the girl I work with whose brother committed suicide, died on 2/13...the 44th day..
Recall that my SUV broke down on 2/13/21...
She is actually dating my friend Derek who is into this knowledge as stands out because he thinks it's all about Jesus...He also always talks about the number 44 showing up 44 is the big number he crazy his girlfriends brother died on the 44th day of the year, before he even knew her.
She was also born on the same day as her brother, but like 6? Years apart..(2/27)..


Well see if the day gets any crazier..
There was a train wreck story yesterday too in this area...

I should also add that Danny who had the cross tattoos is related to Daina.

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