Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sturgill Bought Me a New Miami Dolphins Jersey and the HELL/Slipknot Theme-198-Butterfly-Eagles-2016/2017 Dan Marino Jersey Narrative


Sturgill ordered me a new Miami Dolphins jersey on my birthday. I thought he was joking, but he gave it to me on Friday, 12/8/23, a day I was watching for with the HELL/Slipknot Theme. I didn't think about it until just now, so I am making a blog post. I only have like 3 or 4 shirts, and I always wear the Dan Marino jersey that my uncle Barney gave me before he died. The numbers have worn off and such, and everyone always laughs at me for wearing it, so Sturgill bought me a new jersey lol. 

He ordered another jersey too, I think it was a Dan Marino one, but he said they sent the wrong size, so he's sending it back...It may have been another player, but I thought he said Dan Marino....

Oddly enough, my uncle Ed Murphy came into my gas station yesterday too. I rarely see him as he lives in Omaha, but apparently he was doing some construction job in Charter Oak, Iowa. So hopefully that isn't a sign connected to him....I mean considering the last time I someone gave me a Dolphins jersey, his brother Barney died. 

Charter Oak=198(FB)

AXL Rose/AXEL Foley-Eddie Murphy

I've recently blogged about my Uncle Ed too, and how his bday is 198 days after Super Bowl 58. 

I wonder what his favorite NFL team is though, as maybe it is connected to them...would be hilarious if it was the Lions, considering the AXL Rose post. 

In relation to the HELL theme...



Slipknot's song H377(H.... 377=ELL Flipped)

Think how the Dolphins were synced to the FLIPPING Narrative in 2016/2017 when I got that Dan Marino jersey. 

Further, I got this jersey a span of 282 days after Tua's bday..

Miami Dolphins=282(FB)

Tua's bday is also a span of 198 days before Dan Marino's bday lol...

Recall that Dan Marino is also in the film "Little Nicky" that has to do with HELL and the recent Theme I am talking about. 

I was thinking how Rodney Dangerfield is in "Little Nicky" too...and I remembered I had a blog post about him not too long ago....well, apparently, I didn't post the blog post...but he was connected to 11:11 and 198. 

Popeyes Chicken will probably be in the News now...because I keep seeing so many connections to "Little Nicky." Recall that film came out on my 18th bday too, and it was the first DVD I ever owned, and one of my all-time favorite movies. 


Adam Sandler has also came up in my life in the past month more than once that I have not blogged about. But it involved the film "Bullet Proof." And think how Sandler was synced to Bob Barker dying and the connection to Las Vegas, where Super Bowl 58 will be held.. 

I know others in the community have been paying attention to 12/12...and that is Bob Barker's bday. 


There's a ton of interesting connections here too...

Barney died 228 days after Sturgill's bday....and yet again, I have another recent post that I didn't publish for whatever the reason....but it was about the number 228 and involved Sturgill.....basically, a girl(Maci) had a DREAM that I died...and when I went to ask her about it on Snapchat, I noticed she had a BUTTERFLY next to her name...the only person on my Snapchat to have that picture too....and recall how Sturgill was linked to the song "BUTTERFLY" by Crazy Town, which goes back to Jason Aldean and  Super Bowl 58....and in the beginning of November I was having synchronicity with BUTTERFLIES. I'll pry go back and publish these posts sometime today....I think I started them and then got busy and forgot about them.

Maci's dream was 228 days before the anniversary of the Dream I had about the psychic lady's(DEB) husband dying....and her dream was also 2 months 28 days before the psychic ladies bday on 2/22......I also saw a flyer yesterday that the psychic lady was having some Open House thing for her psychic stuff....

There's so many random thoughts with this lol....Super Bowl 58 is on 2/11....211 was important when Sturgill's brother Kirk died......2/11 was also the day I found out Barney died from his accident and not was at my grandma's house on Eagle Street...and I found out my sister owned a company called EAGLE Acres...and my uncle Clancy was the only other person there that day...and his son Ryan was the only EAGLES fan that I knew at the time...then Clancy died after the Eagles won SB 52..and my Grandma died that same season....and a girl from sisters town died in Sioux Falls...and the last person to die in that spot was named Lyle EAGLEtail...My sisters town was also featured on a SB 52 commercial, and the town named after a guy who was famous for the book "The Birds of America"(Eagle) on......Kirk died 271 days before the Eagles lost to the Patriots in SB 39 too....271 the 58th prime....the EAGLES are also the team playing the Dolphins on Ace Ventura....Oddly enough, I had a dream on the morning of 12/8 about some guy who killed an EAGLE too can't even make it up. It was a baby bald eagle, and the guy told me it wasn't illegal to kill an eagle as long as it was a baby eagle.....another thing in relation to Kirk, is that I had a vivid dream of talking to him after he died, and he asked me to play the song "A Horse With No Name" at his benefit. There is also an old letter to Santa that was shared on Facebook a few days ago, where Kirk asked for a Dallas Cowboys starter jacket lol...Sure, they are in the same division, but I find it funny that the Eagles play the Cowboys today..

Another reason I think it's all related is that the first thing Zamien asked me this morning was about BARNEY the Dinosaur. He watched some video a while back about Barney being cursed and turned into Arnie, and he still asks me about it from time to time....just odd that was the first thing he said to me today. Zamien was born a few weeks before the Eagles won SB 52. 

I'll just leave this post here for now. I want to think more about it....but no doubt I got this new jersey for a reason. 

I was just getting ready to publish this post and I looked at the TV to see an UMBRELLA too....Butterfly..Umbrella...Mind Control. 

1 comment:

  1. A "new jersey" theme, and a "hell" theme??? When Colorado is hot! Could be a sign.
