Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Zach Hits Manhole on 9/13 and Now Going Back Home-Montagraph Makes a Video Titled "Skull And Bones" on his OctoberReinz Channel


It's interesting that Zach got a flat tire in the early hours on 9/13..

It was because the roads were flooded due to so much rain and he hit a manhole...

Just makes me think of Batman and the flood at the end of the film....Storm Coming Mr. Wayne..

9/13 is the 256th day.
OKC Rally was on 4/19, the day leaving 256 days in the year.
These dates also important to Freddy Symbolism...Drop Dead Fred and Freddy Krueger... 

Zachary K Hubbard=256
Sweet Lady=256(FB)

Now Zach is on his way home mostly due to Sweet Lady calling him before this happened and wants him back. 

I was searching for the Umbrella Man channel at work earlier to see if he made any recent videos. It took a while to find, but I did find it and no new videos....but while searching for it, I stumbled upon Montagraph's other channel called "October Reinz"...and he uploaded a video on 9/12/22 called "Skull And Bones." It's funny considering how Zach was at Yale talking about Skull and Bones on 9/12...and how I've mentioned the connection to the Rally's with Skull and Bones...and the Umbrella Man with Skull and Bones..

Plus, this video is on Andrew Luck's bday...
Zach then hits a manhole due to the RAIN...

When seeing the channel, I instantly thought of the Royal Family although the spelling is Reinz....but when watching the video, he spells it Reignz like Reign, so it's interesting...

September Eleventh=246(FB)
VICE News=246(FB)
New York Mets=246(FB)
246th year of the US..
Michael Jackson=246(FB)
Artemis I canceled again on the 246th day..Charlie Sheen's bday..
The Queen dies in connection to 911...and on 9/8, which is the day the 911 movie with Charlie Sheen came out..

Thinking about October too...
10/6 was a big day with the Royal/Volcano symbolism...
October 6th....Oct is 8...
So on the Roman Calendar it would be 8/6/22..
October 6th leaves 86 days in the year. 
October 6th is also the 8th month 6th day of the Chinese Tiger Year. 
A big reason why I thought 8/6/22 would be important was because it was the 186th day of the Tiger Year..and 186 is synced to Zach and the Umbrella symbolism. 
My book all about 8/6....the first copy I received said it was made on 9/8/21...exactly a year before the Queen died..

Oct. 6th is 35 days before my bday...
In 2015, I was following the date 10/6 in relation to Earthquake symbolism with Philadelphia and Michael Jordan too. 
Just some random things here...but 10/6 is Biden's 624th day as president...
Recall that 624 is synced to the Royal on...
I just mentioned that this number may be important again a few days ago..
Think how the Volcano symbolism became really important on 3/19/21...the same day Biden fell going up the stairs of Air Force One...the same day the Simpsons episode with Lisa Simpson aired...the same day Biden first ever met Pope Francis...
Elizabeth II just died 3 months 19 days after 5/20, the date Zach thought she would die.....
Prince the singer connected to 319. 
3/19 is 201 days before 10/6....
Skull and Bones=201(FB)

10/6 is also 3 months 22 days after Trump's bday..
It's 168 days after Elizabeth II's bday..
Queen Elizabeth II=168

Recall how 610 was important to Prince Philip and Blade Runner too...
Horse symbolism...Mandela Effect/Horse...

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