This post was from sometime in June. I didn't take a screen shot before I clicked on the unpublished post and now it shows it as September 25th...but I think it was June 12th..
I can't find a post on Jeopardy using a Gematria Category though...I am mind blown, because I know I decoded that...maybe I just left a comment on Arthur or Zach's video on it, and never made a post of my own?
Anyway, I found this unpublished post while looking for it.
The next big event that Zach goes to after the Buffalo Rally is the March for Our Lives rally in Everett, Washington.
March for our Lives=94
Zach Hubbard=94
Seattle, Washington=94
Not to mention that he went there on 6/11 or 11/6, which is the day Timothy McVeigh died lol...All these Rally's got big with the OKC Rally involving Timothy McVeigh.
On top of that, all the connections to Zach with 116 and getting Bear Sprayed on 1/16 in "Portland"=116.
Of course, the whole thing was the Jesuits because..
Hewitt Avenue=153 and 54
Jesuit Order=153, 54
Zach went there 40 days or 1 month 10 days before his bday. Jesuit=110(FB)
Pope Clement VII died 1 month 10 days after the Jesuits were created.
I've been following a big theme with President and Vice president with this narrative.
You could say that the story came out 39 days before Zach's 39th bday too.
The Jesuit Order=255(FB)
Zach Hubbard=255(FB)
Dr. Paul Cottrell=255(FB)
Event Two O One=255(FB)
Event 201 on the 255th day of the Chinese Pig Year.
The cop in the story above was Nathan Wallace.
Nathan Wallace=167(FB) and 74
So on..
I could also say that this Rally was 21 days after the Buffalo Rally..
Jesuit=21, 84
megaphone=84 and 33
The girl who took the picture..
Olivia Vanni=56 and 180(FB)
Society of Jesus=56
Gematria Effect News=180
The Gematria Effect=611(FB)
Technically this story was 204 days after the anniversary of Vice News writing the article about Zach...but his post is about 6/11 and this happened on 6/11...which is 203 days after that the article was on Joe Biden's bday... Plus, 6/11 leaves 203 days in the year.
March for Our Lives=203
Zach Hubbard=203
Joe Biden=204(FB) and 116(FB)

The article starts off by mentioning Kevin Phan and the date 10/24...
Recall that 10/24 is the day of Zach's first ever blog post.
There's a million other things I could include...
Gun violence=170
170 another big number around Zach.
Society of Jesus=187
Second Amendment=201(FB)
Do you really think this whole March for Our Lives protest was set up by the Jesuits? I really do not think so, and I also do not think that Zach is a's connected to them.
Everything is the Jesuits...unless Zach or some other decoder's life is connected to the same pattern, then it's just a coincidence. And we shouldn't pay attention to coincidences seems to be the motto. I'm just gonna keep on blogging and talking about these coincidences until more people start to realize what they are missing.
Once again, it's not that I don't understand the information he is talking about and how it relates to the Jesuits...also watching the livestream with all of the people who won't even try and listen...but why are we also not telling these other connections that happen all of the time? It's because even the truth community is programmed to have certain beliefs and everyone wants to blame every thing on a cabal, instead of actually seeing more of the truth. You can't just make the assumption that every number that comes up in the media means a connection to the Jesuits/Freemasons/Etc.. It might be connected, but it can also be important to many other things that have nothing to do with it. Sure, there seems to be an agenda with Gun control..but at the same time..they have groomed a truth community to see this agenda is taking place, thus they control both sides...It's like this with all types of things within the truther world, but most truthers think they are awake. If you start to see the perspective I am seeing, you will realize that most truthers are just as asleep as the people who have no idea about any of it.
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