Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bryce Ramirez Breaks Leg In Texas Tech Game on 9/17


I saw someone share this video tonight of a crazy broken leg in college football on 9/17/22..

Bryce Ramirez broke his leg while a group was tackling Jordan Houston and rolled over his leg. 

Notice that he broke his leg 195 days before Jordan Houstons bday.

Bryce Ramirez=195(FB)
Houston, Texas=195(FB)
This injury came after Texas Tech beat Houston the previous week. 
Notice their bdays are also separated by 226 days. 
Jordan Houston=226(FB) and 229(FB)
Bryce Ramirez bday(8/17) on the 229th day of the year. 
Ramirez injured 31 days after his bday..

Once again, where do we distinguish, or draw the line that something is organic vs some ritual done by the cabal? I mean, I see this stuff happen every single happens in the Junior High games, High School Games......
If this was a pro sports event, everyone would say it was scripted/rigged and players get paid so much money that they will sacrifice a leg and so on....But no way Bryce Ramirez is making enough money to take a hit like that.....there are so many plays/injuries like this in all sports that it seems impossible for them to be rigged/scripted too...yet they happen by the numbers....Where do we draw the line, when it happens everywhere all of the time? 

If this happened in the NFL, people would also decode it this way..
Bryce Ramirez=71
Jordan Houston=177
The Jesuit Order=177
Ramirez wore # 54
Jesuit Order=54
This happened 56 days before Arturo Sosa's bday, the Superior General of the Jesuits. 
Society of Jesus=56

Arturo Sosa's bday is 2 months 26 days after Bryce Ramirez's bday and 226 days after Jordan Houston's. 
Ramirez and Houston's bdays also separated by 226 days
Jordan Houston=226(FB)

I mean, there are a million other ways I could connect it to the Jesuits too...such as Sosa's bday being 10 months 5 days before this leg break..
Jorge Mario Bergoglio=105
He broke his leg 26 weeks 6 days after the anniversary of Pope Francis' anniversary as Pope...He's the 266th pope...3/13/13....2nd prime is 3 and 6th prime is 13...2/6/6..
Iesus Hominum Salvator=266
So on..

Obviously a ritual by the Jesuit Order because it connects to it.

While the connections are interesting, it doesn't prove what many people think it does, and I highly doubt the Jesuit Order was responsible for Bryce breaking his leg. 

Obviously a cabal of some sort does exist, but I think learning Gematria is just another level to the controlled truth movement they have created. They want us to decode events such as this in the manner above, because it keeps us enslaved in it. Once you start paying attention to patterns that exist EVERYWHERE, you will see what I am saying. The problem is that they have different layers of the truth community and they build people up with certain ideas such as how the Freemasons and Catholic Church are behind everything...Then when a person gets to the Gematria level and see how the coding is all connected to them, it must mean that they are behind everything. So they just continually push this idea and program others that a certain number means something connected to the cabal....then years later, most people still haven't caught on that this happens EVERYWHERE. 

Sure, you could argue that the truth community is small, but does that really prove that it can't be or isn't controlled? 
There are a ton more people that know about 9/11 than there was 20 years ago...just because it's small, doesn't mean it can't get bigger over time. Gematria has also gotten a lot bigger than it was years ago.


  1. Dan! You're being logical and reasonable. How darest thee.

  2. Isn't Angel Baby from Houson. Tennessee beat Florida last night and Theo Von poured gatorade on Tennesse's head coach which was really confusing because he's from Lousiana but I he does live in Nashville currently. Of course UT plays LSU next. Lightning strike on Lafayette. The head coach for the gators is in his first year being hired out of Louisiana Lafayette. He's also from Tennessee and has the same birthday as Zach. "Theo Von" = 99 "Jupiter" = 99 & Gatorade was introduced on 9/9 (Rambo has a big decode on that). Of course gatorade's logo is lightning. Before I even knew who Theo Von was Derek and his friend Dezy would use his face as an emoji in the discord servers. We're talking like back in 2017. The Von was completely obscure at that point atleast to me.


  4. It's obviously organic lol. I think most people are starting to finally figure that out

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Everything is scripted from birth.

  7. I have first hand knowledge that everything is scripted from birth. I've been dealing with this since 1996. I only discovered Gematria after Kobe died. I am harassed/stalked. It is not as bad as it used to be, I guess because I'm a Senior Citizen, it has slacked off some. I don't believe in suicide, because we are all where we are for a reason. I don't want anyone to be discouraged or depressed about our plight. I find all of this fascinating
    And an opportunity to learn. I appreciate your hard working contributions to this knowledge. I have learned a lot from you.

  8. Again, I don't want to devastate any one. I have certainly seen things that devastate. But I chose to continue on, remain positive. I have experience with what you consider the organic matrix. If you would like more info., Let me know. Thank you again. You are the best decoder. No offense to Derek.
