Friday, April 15, 2022

The Conners Seasons 4 Episode 16 Involves a Volcano


I haven't kept up on "The Conners" recently, but tonight while eating I remembered and figured I would see if they had any new episodes. I went to Hulu and seen that I haven't watched 2 of the episodes...
Oddly enough, the first episode I had not watched yet was Season 4 Episodes 416...
I'm only blogging this because I've been watching the date 4/16 and I find it interesting this episode involves "Volcano." 
Recall that the number 416 is important to James Bond...
Last year I synchronicity with the Congo volcano eruption and the death of Live and Let Die villian, Yaphet Kotto. Recall that Kotto died 4 months 16 days after Sean Connery. 
This was around the same time that MGM became the owner of the Rocky Films...MGM..the Lion Logo..

I'm DJing in Charter Oak on 4/16 and my recent Fire Theme/Syncs were important to that town....Vulcan..Fire..Volcanoes...
The best friend of my co-workers sister also just died in a house fire...and believe it or not a lady with the last name Rock just died too. I don't know her, but I know a few of her siblings and people were talking about it at work today. When I looked her up and saw her last name was ROCK, I figured it has to be related somehow...We'll see if I find out more details. 

4/16 or 16/4..
James Bond=164(FB)

I know someone pointed this out to me a while back and I'm sorry I don't remember where...but on 4/9 the UFC fighter named "Volkanovski won UFC 273. Volkan..Vulcan..Volcano..
Prince Philip died on 4/9, the same day we had the St. Vincent Volcano eruption...
Recall that Bill Murray and the film St. Vincent were synced to the Horse narrative....and the John Goodman joke in the Sean Penn/Bridge/Stewie Family Guy episode involves Horses...

1 comment:

  1. Volkanovski was a span of 12246 days old on 4/9
    156th triangular

    Bridge represents a state of transition
