Friday, April 22, 2022

Synchronicity with 6:29 and 6:30 With Shaq and a Girl on Facebook-Breckin Meyer-Dream/Freddy Krueger Theme


I saw this story on Facebook about Shaq being mad at Kenny Smith for calling him out for being late. Shaq says that he wasn't late, he was supposed to be there at 6:30 and he clocked in at 6:29....

A few minutes later I see a post about someone waking up at 6:29 and having to leave at 6:30....I don't think the post had anything to do with the story of Shaq....
It just has me wondering if there is something I'm supposed to understand with it...
Mike Tyson's bday is 6/30 and I just blogged about him...

Kelsey's bday is 1/7...
Today is a span of 69 days before 6/29, or just 69 days before 6/30...
6/29 is also 6 months 9 days before her bday, or 6/30 is a span of 6 months 9 days before her bday...

In the story about Shaq someone posted a comment with a picture of Breckin Meyer from the film "Clueless." I took a picture because yesterday at work someone was talking about one of their friends naming their kid "Breckin", and how they had never heard of the name. I then pointed out that I can only think of one and it's the actor Breckin Meyer, who gets killed by Freddy Kreuger on "Freddy's Dead." I also know him from "Road Trip", but it's the only time I think I've heard the name. 

So moral of the story is that I found it funny that he would show up in a meme comment of the Shaq story. Especially considering I just blogged that Netflix wanted me to watch Freddy Krueger last night and the Dream theme I have been following. 



I got a feeling we are going to get the death of someone connected to Freddy Krueger sometime this year. 

I can't help but think of how Brittany Murphy dates Breckin in the film "Clueless"....and she shared a bday with me on 11/10. 

Stacey Dash from "Clueless" was born on 1/20..

She was also in a music video by Kanye West, and think how he is connected to the Freddy Krueger Theme...

Stacey Dash=208(FB)...just blogged about this number too. 


  1. So I've been on this site for over a decade. Occasionally I'll drop a dream to be interpeted. Dropped this on March 31st and it was finally answered today even though it says yesterday on the site. Anyways, here it is;topicseen#msg12275 The guy who runs the site is up in his 80s so I really appreciate when he takes the time to answer.


  3. 35th triangular = 630
    6/29 = Feast of St Peter
