Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Sharon Osbourne's Bad Facelift Surgery and the Connection to my Old Post About Her and Little Nicky-Bees-Henry Winkler


On 4/24 we had a story about Sharon Osbourne getting a bad facelift...
It only stands out to me because, I also commented on Zenith's video about Donald Trump and the number 424. I still haven't taken the time to delve into it but I know it's important to Mike Tyson/Ukraine and so on..We also had Tyson Fury win the fight the other night and he was also important to that narrative...
Anyway, the reason I think there is something more to this Sharon Osbourne story is that I recently had the 6:29 and 6:30 sync....2 different numbers yet next to each other....
If you go back to my blog post in 2020, I had a synchronicity with Zenith and Sharon Osbourne...but it was connected to 2 numbers as well...(67 and 68)...

I further think it's important because in my old posts I was connecting Sharon and Ozzy to the death of Tiny Lister. He was one of the characters in the film "Little Nicky." But think how I recently blogged about "BEES"....in the film "Little Nicky" he covers Henry Winkler in Bees around the same time Ozzy makes an appearance in the film...I also think this because a bit ago Alistairs YouTube video said, "Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting like a Scorpion" and I thought...why didn't it say "Bee?" 

Think about her botched Facelift and Little Nicky getting hit in the face with a shovel too. 
I also mentioned Henry Winkler when Meat Loaf died in connection to Ozzy. 

Henry Winkler's bday is 6 months 6 days or a span of 6 months 7 days after this story..
Ozzy Ozbourne=66...O=6..O=6..66
Sharon Osbourne=67

In light of the Bee symbolism and the Lion Them also being important...I can't help but think it's something important to Samson who killed the Lion and later found Bees inside of it..

I'm too tired to think anymore tonight though...and I know this post may be confusing lol, but I know what I am saying and don't want to forget it. 


  1. https://caseyjonesoccultastrology.wordpress.com/2017/09/21/20000-bees-on-a-pregnant-woman/

    Speaking of Little Nicky.... there's Nicolas Cage's infamous "not the bees!!" line

    The Beehive Star Cluster is in the constellation of Cancer. It's official name is Praesepe which means "Manger" like Jesus being born in a manger.

    If you look at that post I linked it's about the date August 31st. Wasn't one of your kids born that day?

  2. On the Queen's birthday you blogged about some 255s. Queen Bee. B E E is 2 5 5

  3. Today, April 26/22, is 777 days after the "pandemic" was declared on 3/11/20. Reminds me of your "jackpot". What is interesting though is July 23/22 and today have exact date numerologies.

  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson%27s_riddle#:~:text=Some%20time%20later%2C%20Samson%20returns,a%20hive%20inside%20the%20carcass.
