Thursday, April 28, 2022

Joe Biden Requests 33 Billion For Ukraine-Donald Trump


Donald Trumps 1st impeachment involved Ukraine and the Bidens..
Notice today is 1 year 3 months 8 days after Biden became president..
Donald Trump=159 and 138
Donald Trumps bday is 159 days before Joe Bidens as well.
Further, today is a span of 48 days or just 47 days before Trumps bday..
Donald Trump=48
Potential 48th president..

Russia also invaded Ukraine 3 months 3 days after Bidens bday American Time.
Today is also 3 months 3 days after the Ukranian president's bday too.


  1. Yesterday on 4/28 a small Plane crushed behind my House into the Lake of is the second Plane crash since 2/18/21 on the very same spot! From 2/18/21 to 4/28/22 it is 14 Weeks and 10 Days...yesterday was the 118 Day of the Year....811=141.Prime. I have watched the date 8/11/19 Tisha Bav like crazy! 8/6/22 (218 Day of the year) is very important for the future

  2. There's news that Ozzy Osbourne has covid. Today is 7 months 4 days before his 74th birthday December 3. Maybe his number is up. Would be Ironic if it falls on tomorrow or the next day, Walpurgis. The song "War Pigs" was originally called "Walpurgis" and we have a war, not to mention the pig theme you've been seeing. They also have a song "Tomorrow's Dream" and Ozzy's first solo release "Crazy Train". Walpurgis Eve (April 30) has a Black Moon with a partial lunar eclipse. We will also see Jupiter and Venus "kiss" this weekend. "Ozzy Osbourne" = 201 (EO) and 123 (RO) like his birthday 12/3. Just a thought but I wouldn't be surprised if he died on "Witches Night". "Witches" = 102 (RO)

    1. Ozzy is a Sagittarius which is rules by Jupiter and we are in Taurus ruled by Venus.

    2. Look what I found . It's an "anticipated obituary". I'm not sure when this was posted but looking at the comments they are from 9 years ago...
