Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More About Choronzon and How It Relates to the Super Bowl 52 Symbolism


I just blogged about my 333 and Beebeetown/UFO experience last night. 

I've also been blogging about the connections to Super Bowl 52 with the Stock Market narrative..

Recall that my Uncle Clancy, my grandma died in connection to that Super Bowl. A girl from my sisters town also died in connection to that Super Bowl...and all of this stemmed back to the date 2/11/2017 when I was at my grandmas house with my sister and Uncle Clancy. My grandma lived on Eagle street, and I found out my sister lived on Falcon Ave and her business had the word Eagle in it.  This was just after my Uncle Barney died connected to the Falcons in the Super Bowl too.

Clancy Murphy=316(FB)
Ryan Murphy=316(FB)
Ryan was the only Eagles fan I knew at the time, and Clancys son.
Clancy would then die 3 months 16 days before Ryan's bday.

Grandma Murphy=316(FB)
This is what I always called her.

Anyway, the point I'm making is that on that same day that started the synchronicity, I also went to Beebeetown for a bday party.
The bday party was for my cousin Abe's wife. Oddly enough, my sisters business is coincided with my cousin Abe, and they recently had one of their workers die. 

It just seems so odd considering all of the connections to SB 52 coming back up...and the fact I blogged about Beebeetown again last night.

I also blogged how at that bday party my daughter Claire won 34 tickets on the Gambling Machine...so it's connected to Money yet again...

And recall how the 2024 Super Bowl was on 2/11, and later in the night I won 10 grand on a slot machine that sums to 52.


The bday party I went to was at The Twisted Tail.

The Twisted Tail=333(Rev Composite)

How perfect.

I think I'm supposed to learn something about dropping ego and crossing the abyss. This is because according to Crowley, you have to cross the abyss and confront. Choronzon in order to drop the ego, and gain higher enlightment...this is what I've been talking about for a long time...being stuck and not gaining more enlightenment..it's the most frustrating part of this knowledge. 

Money is part of the ego/material world. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Priestess Card sits on the path between Keter and Da'at. That path crosses the abyss

  3. Luke 8:31

    Nothing in this physical world means anything. Do not fear death. We become stronger when we cross the abyss. We are all connected to the energy of the universe. Flesh cannot pass the firmament. Only our spirit can (energy). The calling up in the bible. In biblical times, the stars were referred to as the heavens. The concept of heaven and hell. We are here to learn. We know nothing. Understanding is the beginning.
    The matrix is real. A prison planet indeed. Old souls have been here too long. We've learned nothing. Rinse and Repeat. The same cycle over and over.
    Break the cycle. Spirituality is divine.
    Free your mind.

  4. The Priestess = 269 composite 269 reverse composite
