Monday, August 5, 2024

Marilyn Manson Releases New Song/Music Video on JD Vance's Bday, 316 Days Before Trump's Bday-Charles Manson/Rose Theme-Slipknot-Ozzy Osbourne


Marilyn Manson released a new single and music video for the first time since 9/10/2020. 

I've been mentioning the connection to Trump's assassination attempt and Marilyn Manson with 316. 

Brian Hugh Warner=316(FB)

Notice he released this new single on JD Vance's bday too. This means it was 316 days before Donald Trump's bday. 

The last single he released was "DON'T CHASE THE DEAD," which was stylized in all capital letters. This stands out, because the video had the actor Norman Reedus, who was born on the same day as the Capitol Insurrection...and this song came out in 2020, just before the Capitol Insurrection. 
This new Marilyn Manson video has a Rose in it again too...and I can't stop thinking about my dream in 2022 where I kept hearing the name Norman Reedus. I blogged about it in relation to the Rose Theme and Marilyn Manson...also Slipknot and the Charles Manson connection. 

Charles Manson=194(FB)
Gemaria The Killing Name=194
Paul Gray died 194 days after Charles Manson's bday, which is on the 316th day of the year. 

Recall that Charles Manson is synced to 316 too..and Charlie ROSE....
Aleister Crowley's wife is ROSE. 
Slipknot's member SID is with Kelly Osbourne...Think about Ozzy and Aleister Crowley. 

Slipknot was also important to 516 with the Buffy Theme..
The 418th Composite is 516. 

Donald Trump met Pope Francis on the anniversary of Paul Gray dying...The same day Kim Reynolds became the Iowa Governor...Slipknot...Iowa..Stock Market. 

Recall the HELL Theme and the relation to Crowley as well...That theme had to do with Sharon Osbourne and Slipknot...

Sharon Osbourne=184 and 194
Mr. Crowley=184(FB)
Charlies Manson=184(FB)

Recall the South Park special about Ozempic came out on the anniversary of Trump meeting Pope Francis too...Ozempic/Sharon Osbourne. 
So many Aleister Crowley connections lately, I'd say Sharon or Ozzy are some people to pay attention to. 

The song "Mr. Crowley" came out on 9/12/1980. 
Notice that was a span of 337 days after Aleister Crowley's bday. 
The 337th Composite is 418. 
Ozzy Osbourne was born 418 days after Aleister Crowley's final bday. 

I also find it funny that I am writing this blog post at my parents. When I first got here tonight, I put a pizza in their oven and I felt something fly by my head. I stopped for a second, and thought it was a mom kept asking me what was wrong turned out to be a BAT. So it's funny that this post turned into stuff about Ozzy, who at the Bat in Des Moines, Iowa on Sid Wilson's bday...Slipknot..Des Moines....My mom was telling me a bit ago, about how her and my dad are going to the Iowa State Fair on Friday...That means they are going on 8/9....
Recall that Slipknot released their album on 8/9/2019, all connected to the big Tisha B'Av event we were watching for.....8/9 is also the day of the Manson Family Murders. 

One last thought...My Norman Reedus Dream was around the same time I started watching "The Walking Dead." I had no idea that Norman Reedus was one of the main actors in that show until I looked up Norman Reedus after my dream lol. 

But last night I randomly turned on World War Z, which I've never watched before...It's about Zombies, just like The Walking Dead...

World War Z=418(Rev Satanic)

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