Monday, August 12, 2024

Dream About Marilyn Manson and Willem Dafoe-The Boondock Saints/Norman Reedus Dream-Terminator Judgment Day Synchronicity-Japanese Earthquake-Saw My Uncle Eddie Murphy on 8/6/24

 I had a really vivid dream this morning, so I figured I would document it. 

I was at some Subway/Bar place for a birthday party or something of the sort. I say Subway/Bar, because this place had a Subway on the left side and a bar on the other side. Anyway, the people I was with said they would pay for everyone to get a sub. The guy actually told me I could have 3 Subs lol, and I said, I only need 1. Anyway, when it was my turn to get a Sub, the lady working didn't believe me that I was with the party who was paying for it. She thought I was trying to scam them and get a free Sub. It took forever for her to believe me, and she called a bunch of people over to verify I was with them. So they finally start making my Sub, but the guy making it was strange as shit. He was standing up on the bar acting strange and just dropping the toppings on the bread from high up in the air. He had no facial expressions almost as if he was frozen in place. It's hard to explain, but it was very strange is the point. 

Another thing is that before I got my Sub, I was standing in the middle of the bar and I saw Slash sitting at the Subway side with a guitar. I thought he was gonna play a guitar solo, because he acted like he was going to play it, but instead, he just stared at me with his sunglasses on. Someone then pointed out that a famous musician was sitting to the right of me. I can't remember who that musician was, but I think it was Alice Cooper? When I looked to see the musician though, I saw Marilyn Manson sitting next to him. I thought to myself, who cares about that guy, Marilyn Manson is here, that's way cooler. 

Time went by and I saw Marilyn Manson was paying his tab and leaving. As he was getting close to the door, I asked him if I could get a picture with him. I then realized that my kids downloaded too many games, and I didn't have enough space for a photo. I decided to just take one on Snapchat. Marilyn Manson then took my phone and held it high in the air and started making a video of us. As we were making a video, some other guy came up behind us and got in on the video. We were all laughing and goofing around. I then realized that the other guy was Willem Dafoe. I didn't know who it was until I looked at him, because for some reason, the video on my phone wouldn't show anyones I then asked if I could still try and get a picture, and I opened my laptop. I was going to use the Camera app on it, because my phone was not cooperating. When I opened my laptop, a bunch of my decoding videos popped up and started playing. Marilyn Manson then asked me about them, and I told him that I've been decoding patterns and studying Gematria for a long time. I went on to tell him how I know about Say10 and God=10, Satan=10 and so on...He was impressed and seemed very happy that I knew about it. He went on to tell me how he does know Gematria and does use it. I then asked him if he could teach me more about it as I don't feel like I've advanced my understanding in a long time. He was really happy and down to earth about it, and said he would for sure help me. Almost like we became good buddies at that point lol. Then I woke up. 

So I'm looking at Willem Dafoe, and I see he was Vincenct van Gogh in a 2018 film. This made me think of Trump's EAR, which was linked to the Say10 video and such. 

As I read further, I see that Willem Dafoe is in the film "The Boondock Saints." As I've said, I have never seen this film. I planned on watching it after my dream that I heard the name "Norman Reedus," but I never ended up watching it. 

Basically, I'm pointing out that I had no idea Willem Dafoe was in this film. 

Recall that Norman Reedus is in Marilyn Manson's "DON'T CHASE THE DEAD" video. He is also linked to the Capitol Insurrection. 

The day after blogging about Marilyn Manson/Norman Reedus(8/5/24), I got a message from Gigi that said, "again, It's August 6." I thought maybe something big happened on 8/6 that I hadn't seen yet, so I clicked on the comment. I then looked at the comment below it and saw "boondoc824." 
I thought this was funny considering, I had synchronicity with this person when I had the Norman Reedus Dream in 2022, and I had just blogged about Norman Reedus the night before. 

So there has to be something to that movie lol. Now I'm dreaming about Willem Dafoe, who is also in that film, and this is just days after having a Boondock Saints synchronicity again. 

In relation to Marilyn Manson, it also says "The Boondock Saints" release was affected by the Columbine Shooting. Once again, Columbine is synced to Marilyn Manson and the Coma White Video....and recall the Buffy episode "Earshot" was also delayed due to Columbine. It almost seems as if we are going to get another big school shooting? 

The film is also about Irish Twins. I only find this funny, because the family who was paying for my Sub in my dream last night was my old drummer, Jesse's, family. I haven't seen him in years, so I thought it was weird I would dream about his family buying me a Sub sandwich. But Jesse was linked to the TWIN symbolism. 
My band gig last night was at the Dubliner, which is an Irish Bar. 
I started this blog post earlier today...and later in the day I got a message from someone on Facebook. He shared a post of a guy that used to play drums with us years ago named, Gene. I have no idea why he shared this to me in a message though lol...Plus, considering I had just blogged about Jesse, one of my old drummers, I thought this was strange. 

Notice the post the talks about "Judgement Day." 

I didn't get a picture of it, but after I saw this post, I went to Netflix, and they recommended the film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." 

I think this was supposed to happen, because Edward Furlong is John Connor in this film. 
If you look at old pictures of Edward Furlong and Norman Reedus, they look pretty similar. 

Notice that Edward Furlong was born on 8/2. The same day that Marilyn Manson released his new music video and song, "As Sick As The Secrets Within." 
I wondered about Terminator earlier this year when we had the story of Olivia Munn's breast cancer too. Recall that in 2016 Olivia Munn said the Robots would takeover on 8/27....although in the film "Terminator" Judgment Day is 8/29. 

The film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" came out in the United States on 7/3/1991, which was Olivia Munn's 11th bday. 

What I also find strange is that Olivia Munn had Breast Cancer. When I was in my early 20's we had Tip Top Arcadia Cable. It was the only Cable company you could get in this town at the time, but the company was kindve fizzling out at the same time. The channel G4, which I think was channel 29, froze up one day, and they never fixed it. The channel froze zoomed in on Olivia Munn's boobs lol. So everyone in town that had cable, had a zoomed in frozen image of Olivia Munn's boobs on that channel. I remember going to the bar and even joking that I was just gonna go home and watch channel 29 to see some boobs. 

She announced her breast cancer 254 days after her bday. 
Gene's name sums to 254
My name sums to 254. 
Considering today is 8/11, the big Tisha B'Av day in 2019, it makes me think of..
San Francisco=254(FB)
Think how the Golden Gate Bridge was important in Terminator Genisys too. 

In light of the date 8/27, that is my uncle ED/Eddie Murphy's bday too. He randomly came in the store on 8/6/24 too. I haven't seen him since the last time he randomly showed up at the store I work at too, which was a long time ago....He must work part time construction with a crew, as both times he has been with some younger construction guys. Anyway, as I was talking to him, he told me that he was gonna be 67 years old on 8/27...I just thought it was funny that his birthday would even come up in the short time I talked to him. We also joked that he was gonna outlive all of his brothers and sisters. This is funny, because he drank and did more drugs than any of them.  

Eddie Murphy=254(FB)
What's even weirder is that I blogged about the date 8/6 in relation to Eddie Murphy and my uncle Eddie Murphy previously. It had to do with Haile Selassie and the narrative from 2019....this is why I think this happening today is important to the 2019 Tisha B'Av narrative.

So maybe his bday will be special this year? I've been watching for 8/31...but I feel like the happenings today want me to see the date 8/27. 

Also, think how I've previously talked about my uncle in relation to Beverly Hills Cop and Guns N Roses. It had to do with the actor JUDGE Reinhold...and my Dream this morning involved Slash, who was born the same day as Haile Selassie. 

Judge Reinhold=184(FB)
184 important to the DREAM Theme. 

My Uncle's bday is 4 months 24 days after the actor Eddie Murphy's bday. (424..Trump Money)

In relation to Haile Selassie and the 2019 narrative...the Julian Calendar was important. I find this funny, because my Uncle Wally's bday is 8/14. The date 8/27(Gregorian) is 8/14(Julian). Wally is Ed's brother. Wally, Ed, Mary and my mom are the only kids alive out of the 9. 

8/14 is the 227th day this year. 
In 2019, the big thing I was following with Tisha B'Av had to do with it being the 227th anniversary of the French Monarchy falling..
Haile Selassie=227
So on...

One last thought is that Marilyn Manson's new record label is "Nuclear Blast." 
Think about Terminator and the Nuclear Holocaust. 
8/6, the day of Hiroshima. 

Even more odd is that my Japanese friend, Saori, left in the early hours of Thursday 8/8. I went and said goodbye around 10pm on 8/7, and I joked to her to watch out for Earthquakes and Tsunami's. Go figure, as she was on her flight back to Japan, there would be a big earthquake in Japan. Then Japan issued it's first Megaquake Warning lol. I mean it was just hours after I joked about it. 
The quake was 201 days after her bday, so it was probably just the Jesuits lol. 


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