Monday, August 19, 2024

Topanga Has Breast Cancer-Amish Synchronicity and stream of Conscious Thoughts


Danielle Fishel aka Topanga on Boy Meets World announced she had breast cancer today.

Considering, I've had the synchronicities with Boy Meets World in relation to Tyra Banks, I figured I'd measure to her bday.

Of course, today is a span of 3 months 16 days before Tyra's bday.

Think how 316 is a pattern I've been following in relation to Money/Stock Market. 

Notice that back when I was talking about my synchronicities, I thought it was linked to a MONEY theme. 

As I'm looking this up, I got a Snapchat from Sturgill. He was driving down the road and some Amish guy was riding a bike. He made some joke about the guy getting pulled over in Harrison County and getting his horse taken away.

I wondered if maybe this might be connected to Zachs synchronicity with Amish that I blogged about in July. As I was looking at the Gematria, I noticed that Sturgills name sums to 292(Rev Composite) and 292(Composite).

It stood out, because it's the first time I've seen a word in the Composite cipher be the same forward and reverse.

But I feel like it was somehow related..

Boy Meets World=292(Rev Composite)

Danielle Fishel=292(Eng Ext)

English Extended is a cipher I've pointed out that always seems to link to my synchronicities, and assure me I'm on the right track with my thoughts.
I further know it's somehow important to him, because the last time I saw Katie from the Topanga sync, was at the bar with Sturgill.
Another reason the Amish thing stood out, was because I was on Facebook this morning and I saw this idea if the guy is Amish, but his beard made me think of an Amish guy. 

Bill is the guy I was talking about in my Skull Tshirt post a while back. I got that shirt from Sully....and Sully has a brother nicknamed, Roach...When I pulled into work today, Roach was the first guy I saw in the parking lot too, so I found it odd that Bill shared a post about a guy with the last name Roach dying.

Considering, the Amish guy Sturgill snapchatted was riding a bike, I can't shake the connection to Joe Biden wrecking his bike. Recall, Sturgill shares a bday with Joe Biden...
I also had the Tarot synchronicity and in that old post I mentioned how I fell down Sturgills stairs the same day Biden fell on the stairs...and Biden falling on the stairs to his Bike wreck was 456 days later, the MONEY number...

Oddly enough, my band played Bikapalooza on Staurday's a bunch of people who rode bikes like a small Ragbrai. 

Even more odd is that Roach that know has a daughter who rides bikes and puts videos of her ride on Facebook there seems to be a bicycle theme with all of it...

Possible there is an important Bike episode of Boy Meets World?

Katie's bday is 9/17, which is 64 days before Biden/Sturgills..

Joe Biden=64

Friday the 13th was also important in my old Boy Meets World posts...
I just blogged about my drummer and the Rose Theme...and recall his bday was on Friday the 13th last year, the same day I DJed the ROSE Wedding....well go figure, the ROSE guy who got married ordered a sandwich earlier...I barely even see him, so for him to order a sandwich today, makes it seem important.

I bet I see Katie on the upcoming Friday the 13th too(9/13)...I'm DJing her relatives wedding on the 14th, so I wouldn't doubt if she's in town on the 13th.

Another reason I think the Tarot synchronicity is related, is that my Blazer won't start now. Last time I got the Tarot cards, my basement flooded, both my cars broke down...Jasmines jeep got a flat tire, our dryer quit working, and I fell down Sturgills stairs lol...
So my basement has flooded, and now one of my cars isn't working.

Today is 93 days before Sturgills bday..
It's also 337 days after Katie's bday.
337the Composite is 418.

The stairs falling was linked to Volcano/NASCAR and my son I'm still paying attention to 8/31.

A few other things I noticed...

This comes 259 days before Danielle Fishels bday.
It's also 259 days after Tyra's bday.

Tyra Banks=184(FB) and 186(Composite)

The whole Boy Meets World sync began with a comment on my Umbrella video..and a huge Umbrella number is 186.

Recall the Umbrella Theme is linked to Aleister Crowley.

Man, I have so many odd syncs all day that I don't blog about...but just a second I was randomly thinking about Charlie Gotto, and then I went around the corner to see him standing up may have to look at him's just too much sometimes. 

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