Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The word 'Tarot' on my shirt-Money/Gambling Theme

I've been blogging about the Tarot card synchronicity lately...

Back in March 2021 I blogged about how both of my cars broke down, Jasmine's car got a flat tire, I fell down Sturgill's stairs, and my basement flooded...

My kids played with cards and the 6 of Swords was 1 of 2 cards facing upwards. It was on the top, and it upside down, which meant flooding would happen in your life.

A few weeks ago, I watched the film, "Tarot" on Netflix, and a key moment in the film involves the 6 of Swords....

Ever since watching that film, my basement started flooding again...the fuel pump in my Blazer went out...I had a flat tire on my van yesterday...I also was supposed to have an appraiser come for a loan I'm trying to get.. the day before he was supposed to come, a big chunk of drywall in my bedroom ceiling fell a bunch of bad luck things...I domt even understand the drywall thing lol, cause it's not wet or anything, and I don't see any leaks. Needless to say, I canceled the appraisal.

Anyway, I've been telling everyone at work about this, and how I swear my Tarot cards are cursed lol.

I'm standing here at work today and Cindy comes up behind me and says, "Don't freak out, but it says Tarot on your shirt." 

I had no idea, but it does say Madam Tarot. I'm wearing a shirt that Luckyland Slots sent me in the mail a while back. It lists their 5th anniversary 5 Greatest Slots games on the back. One of them is called, Madam Tarot.

That game released on 10/30/21. Which was the same year I blogged about the happenings with my Tarot cards on 3/26/21.

It's interesting that these days are separated by 147 days too.

My car broke down in 2021, 147 days after I put my Tarot cards in it. 9/19/20 to 2/13/21.

3/26 is also a day that is important to the Angel Gabriel(Synaxis).

Think how Gabriel was synced to the Dream theme and me winning 10 grand earlier this year.

I still feel like I'm supposed to hit a super big jackpot with this theme too. Like all of this bad stuff is the build up to something positive. 


Luckyland Slots=316(Composite) and 316(Rev Composite)

Madam Tarot=456(Satanic)

All numbers associated with the Money Theme..

So maybe I am supposed to play the Madam Tarot game? 

By the way, it was a pretty cool looking shirt before it got faded lol..or at least I thought the design was cool.

The duck that looks like a Tarot reader is playing the Bass Guitar too. Considering I play Bass, that sticks out too.

Ha, and my co-worker Cyndi's name sums to 316(FB)


1 comment:

  1. Burton win on 8/24
    Besides Pluto connection
    90631 days since 7/4/1776
    Burton 8720 days old
    1217 days since first race
    (199) (46)
    46 days before his d.o.b.
