Sunday, August 18, 2024

Marilyn Manson Releases "Raise The Red Flag" Video and His First FEMALE Band Member, Reba Meyers-The Rose Theme


Marilyn Manson released another song and video on 8/16/24 called "Raise The Red Flag." 

The first thing that stood out to me is that there was a woman playing in the band. This is the first female band member of Marilyn Manson, and she debuted at the show on 8/2/24. 

Reba Meyers=316(FB)

Just think about this in relation to Marilyn Manson being important to the election with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Think about Kamala Harris and the possibility of the first female president. Now Marilyn Manson adds his first ever female band member..and to top it off, her name sums to 316, the big number with the whole narrative I am talking about lol. 

She's also in the band "Code Orange." 

Code Orange=290(Rev Composite)

I have to start documenting this number. I have been seeing the number 290 all over the place lately. 

Raise The Red Flag=424(Rev Composite)

Once again, 424..Trump...Savior of Ukraine..

Raise the RED Flag makes me think of Russia. 

Raise The Red Flag=138
Donald Trump=138

The video released on 16/8. 
Marilyn Manson=168 and 220(FB)
Vladimir Putin=168 and 220(FB)
Reba Meyers=220(FB)
Donald John Trump=220
This video came 2 months 20 days before the election. 

220 is also the other number on the cover of "The Book of the Law." 

Marilyn Manson/Charles Manson. 

Recall that Kamala was acting president on 11/19, the day in history that Charles Manson died...and Charles Manson was born on the 316th day. 

I wouldn't doubt if we get more of the ROSE connection stuff...
There's so much here, but think how Slipknot is also important to Charles Manson and the PIG Theme....Marilyn Manson also added "Piggy D" to his band. 

Charlie Rose=184(Dream Theme Number)

I'm just looking back at that narrative...
It had to do with Charlie Rose, Robert Duvall and Marilyn Manson all having a bday on 1/5. 

Notice Robert Duvall's wife is also born on 1/5. He met her while in Argentina for the film "Assassination Tango." Just seems to fit the narrative. 

Luciana Pedraza=184(FB)

Think how I had the DREAM about Marilyn Manson. In that blog post I also talked about synchronicity with the film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." 
I find this funny, because last night at my band gig, my drummer was telling me how he watched Terminator 2 the night before. I laughed and told him that I just watched it a few days ago too. It was random too, I never brought up anything about my sync, he just randomly was telling a story and then said he watched that movie. 

But...recall my Drummer's bday is 10/13, which was synced to the ROSE Theme. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been saying Kamala will be the next president for quite some time. This makes sense too considering she's a Socialist [Red Rose] and quite possibly a Communist. It's funny considering they got all the Archie Bunker Conservatives saying "Red Wave in November" and they have no idea what they're really saying.
