Friday, October 27, 2023

Newest Quantum Leap Episode Involves a Rose and Jay Leno-There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose


Zamien has my phone right now, and I must not have sent the screenshot to my email, but Sam sent me a message this morning saying that this book was on his desk at work this morning. 

"There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a ROSE!"

I can't find the author of the book's birthday, but the illustrator was born on the 231st day of the year. This only stands out in relation to my post yesterday that involved my co-workers and made me think of the ROSE Theme. The 2 co-workers I mentioned in that post, both have a connection to 231. 

Heather born on the 231st day. 
Kayla Bissen=231
At one point, all but one of the girls I worked with had a connection to 231 too. 
Jared Devon Lee=231(FB) and 198(FB)
198 is important to the 11:11 stuff I recently blogged about. 

I also got a notification for my Facebook memories earlier today. Of course, it would be the memory of the chicken strip that looked like Jay Leno, that I blogged about yesterday. I guess I didn't realize the date when I was blogging about it yesterday. 

A few days ago I started watching the new season of "Quantum Leap." I had a few episodes to finish, so I figured I would watch them today. 

Would you believe that the newest episode involves getting an actor named Neal Russell on "The Tonight Show" with JAY LENO? 

Funnier yet, is that a big part of the episode is Neal trying to get his wife back, and he ends up giving her a ROSE...Or I'm pretty sure that is a Rose anyway. Possibly it's another flower, but it looks like a Rose to me. 

Quantum Leap=156, 208(FB) and 310(FB)
Jared Lee=156, 208(FB) and 310(FB)
Lucille Colandro=156, 208(FB) and 310(FB)(Author of Book)
Erica Gimpel=194(FB)
194 a number important to the Rose Theme with Charles Manson. 

Eric Gimpel was also on "God Friended Me" that I have blogged about before. 

Trying to figure this puzzle out....but I have to go DJ in like 15 minutes...

W Axel Rose..

I've recently talked about Chris Farley at work too...and the actor who plays Neal Russell is Al Donnelly on "Black Sheep." 


  1. Noticed that Lewiston was home to a heavyweight match between Ali and Liston exactly 701 months before the shooting. 701 the 126th prime. Seven7One1 lives in the 701 area code. Family put on "Big George Foreman" tonight.

  2. So Will Smith was born on the 25th of September or 9/25. The movie Ali came out on 12/25/2001 when he was 399 months old. Lupercalia = 399. Murder = 399. Revelation 22:16 is the 399th verse. Will Smith turned 661 months old on the day of the Maine shooting. 661 is the 121st prime and 11th star number. 131 is 11x11. Only thought to look at Will Smith because George Foreman turned 925 lunar months old on 10/25/2023.

  3. 11/3 is 1377 days after Kobe
    Wormwood = 126
    311 the 64th prime
    Israel = 64

  4. What's the significance of 1377 again?That's the difference in days from my bday to a girl I just met. I met her 666 days before my bday. Things have already become extremely complicated. Wasn't aware it was 666 days until a couple days later we started talking about numerology

    1. Revelation 8:11 about the falling wormwood star has ordinal Gematria of 1377. The YouTube channel Seven7One1 talks about it a ton

  5. I may make a post tomorrow about some of the strange coincidences that have occurred since I met her. The Universe is yelling at me 4sure.

  6. I never watch anything Jay Leno but last night I clicked on a youtube video about Jay Leno driving a tesla truck.
