Sunday, October 29, 2023

Death of Matthew Perry and I've Recently Talked about Film "Almost Heroes"-The Rose Theme-Joker-Statue of Liberty/Rocky-Thanksgiving


I got a snapchat while DJing last night that Matthew Perry had died. What's interesting is that in my blog post before I went to DJ, I mentioned how I have recently talked about Chris Farley at work. The reason I was talking about Chris Farley is because of his film "Almost Heroes" that stars Matthew Perry. The film "Almost Heroes" has a hilarious scene where the guy talks about eating Sheep shit. I even looked up the clip on 10/21 so I could show the scene to people at work.

Another funny thing is that the ROSE Wedding I DJed on Friday the Thirteenth involved "Friends." The brides favorite show is "Friends" and they even had me play the "Friends" Theme Song. 
The other picture is the background behind where the Bride and Groom were sitting. Just wanted to show that they did a play on the last name ROSE with actual Roses. 

The Brides name sums to 198...I keep seeing this number...the number associated with 11:11(Eleven Eleven). 
My friend Cody even sent me a video of Gary the Numbers Guy talking about the 11 at on 9/11 yesterday morning. 
Ha! Notice that Matthew Perry was born on the 231st day of the year. This is another number and date I talked about in my previous post where I mentioned Chris Farley at the end. 
I also blogged about Matthew Perry 1 year and 1 months before he died. I kept seeing tons of articles about Matthew Perry in the news, I was also getting messages from a girl I was going to DJ for that lived in Perry, Iowa. 

I pointed out that Matthew Perry was in a film called "Birds of America." This was important to when the Eagles won the Super Bowl and how Audubon, Iowa was featured in a Super Bowl commercial that year. They say that Matthew Perry Drowned....if you go back to 2018 when the Eagles won the Super Bowl, there was a big DROWNING Theme that I talked about. 
He died 152 days after the release day of "Almost Heroes." 

Matthew Perry=152

Almost Heroes=529(Jewish)

He died 51 days before Chris Farley's bday. 
Almost Heroes=51
Julia Roberts=51
He used to date her and he died on her birthday. 
He also died the same day as a partial eclipse. 
His character on "Friends," Chandler Bing, is said to be born on 4/8 or possibly 4/24. 
Think how we have the upcoming Great American Eclipse on 4/8/24....
Think how 424 and 218 are important to Trump....
The last Great American Eclipse was on 21/8. 
Trump's indictment is synced to the JOKER/Batman....and Perry died on Joaquin Phoenix's bday as well. 

Today is also the dedication anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Notice the sculptor died on 10/4...the big day with Trump/Joker.
In light of the Statue of Liberty, recall that I've followed a theme with Rocky/Wendy Williams in relation to it....and we recently had the death of Rocky actor, Burt Young. He died age 83...

Statue of Liberty=198(Number I keep blogging about)
Burt Young=198(FB) and 152

Ha, and notice how Yahoo gave me the wiki page on the side of a guy who died on 4/8...
When reading about Chandler Bing, it says a big piece in his life was when his parents told him they were getting a divorce on Thanksgiving...Think how there is a big boxing narrative linked to Thanksgiving in relation to Russia/Turkey...Wendy Williams was canceled just before Russia invaded Ukraine...The Russia narrative was also linked to Sean Penn, who was important to the DROWNING Narrative. 

Matthew Perry important to Philadelphia..
Rocky and Wendy Williams synced to Philadelphia. 
Biblical Philadelphia in Turkey...

Julia Roberts was also in the news last year the same day Sean Penn's mother died. 

Adrian on Rocky is played by Talia ROSE Shire...

W Axel Rose...WAR..
November Rain...

Think how I had the SAND Synchronicity on 10/4/23 was with Miley Cyrus...
Thanksgiving falls on Miley Cyrus' bday this year. 
It was with the song "Flowers" too....just makes me think of ROSE. 

So maybe this is the year the Thanksgiving/Boxing thing comes together? 

I'm looking back at some of my Rose Theme information from the past and I noticed something I didn't see before. I talked about a synchronicity with my friend Phil, who later was synced to Prince Philip and the Year of the Ox....but recall that Phil was in a wreck and is now paralyzed. It happened just after Prince Philip died....
I pointed out how this synchronicity was 201 days before Philip died...and Phil's bday is 201 days after mine...and Phil's accident was synced to the Jesuit numbers...but no way the Jesuits made him wreck...

But looking at this synchronicity again...I even talked about a Wheelchair in this post....Just crazy....and my girlfriend was recently taking care of Phil in the morning...her mom does it now, because Jasmine moved from overnights to days....but Jasmine's bday will be on Thanksgiving this year..11/23...she has the exact bday as Miley Cyrus. 

Jasmine Marie Cowgill=198

198 and 11:11....I'm gonna pay attention to 11/11 too...think about it in relation to WAR.

Gonna try and re-watch "Almost Heroes"...maybe there is something to do with a ROSE in the film that I don't remember...

Sheep Shit=424(Satanic)
11:11 stuff was important to 666 as well...

The Joker Film has the clocks set at 11:11...


  1. Yea man I was telling Derek how you mentioned Chris Farley. 10/28 is also the day they completed the Gateway Arch which commemorates westward expansion. In Almost Heroes they're racing Lewis & Clark to the Pacific. Chris Farley gets repeatedly attacked by that Bald Eagle. Friends reunion was in 2021 and there were two eclipses that year that went from East to West.

  2. On my YouTube channel I made a community post about the Pluto counts where I mention Jalen Ramsey of all people. He was expected to be out until December but he came back yesterday against the Patriots and got an interception. Probably foreshadowing an early return for Rodgers as well.
