Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My Old Post About Israel Flag at Indians Game on 10/19..Taking Care Of Business 10/19


I forgot to put this in my post earlier, but I noticed my post about the Israel Flag at the Indians game was on 10/19.

As I was looking for this post, I noticed a different post that seemed to have an arrow on the calendar pointing to either 10/12 or 10/19.
It's from the film "Taking Care of Business" that involves the Cubs...

So maybe 10/19 will be important to the Israel stuff?

I also forgot to mention how 1948 was big in 2016...

Trump won the biggest election upset since 1948..

Closest Super Moon since 1948 on Prince Charles bday. And recall there was an Earthquake in Christchurch that day too..the Cliff Theme.

North Korea established in 1948.

Back to the Future Part III also released on 145th day. 


  1. So a guy I used to work at Outback Steakhouse with died Monday.

    Chrissy Snow was Suzanne Somers character on Three's Company.

    Speaking of 3's tonight would've been Zach's 333rd episode of he had done one. Said his Sweet Lady was called by fake authorities at her job and that he's going to slow down for a bit.

    1. Chris was a chill dude. Looks like Santa Claus in the old stop motion Santa Claus is coming to town with the red beard. Always was wearing Jets gear too.
