Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Synchronicity with Frogging/Phrogging/Frogan and the Volcano Symbolism-Nashville School Shooting-King Synchronicity


Jasmine started working overnights and messaged me late on 3/25 at 2:43am. She asked if I knew what "Frogging" meant. I didn't respond because I had just fell alseep, but I also had no idea what it was, and didn't want to look it up at the time. I then had to work and never really thought about it again...
So last night I was laying in bed and Netflix recommended a movie called "I See You" with Helen Hunt. I watched a few minutes and thought it seemed pretty good, so I figured I would watch it and go to bed. There is a part in the movie when the kid is on the computer and someone messages him asking if he knew what "Phrogging" was.
Sure, it's spelled different, but what are the odds I would basically see the question about what "Frogging/Phrogging" is? I thought maybe Jasmine had heard about this movie at work and they were talking about it, but apparently "Frogging" is some sex thing, so she wasn't talking about it because of this film. 

I know it has to be important too...
Frogging=236(Eng Ext)
The English Extended Cipher is always important to my synchronicities. Plus, I have been seeing 236 a million times lately...The timers at work, the clock....even just before writing this blog post I went into the kitchen to see the microwave said 2:36. 

A little bit ago I was scrolling through Facebook on my phone and just a few posts down was a tweet from someone named "Frogan" too. So I went to their Twitter. A few tweets down I see they posted about the band "Maneskin" being underrated....This stands out to me, because my last blog post was about the Tarzan actor dying in a plane crash in Nashville and how it's related to the Volcano symbolism. The band Maneskin was also important to the 2019 Volcano Symbolism with Will Ferrell and the Eurovision film/Iceland. 
So I think I'm supposed to see something with Volcano's again....
It's also interesting that the big news story today is a school shooting in Nashville.....and they say the shooter was 28 years old..
Today's date is 3/27. 

I'm trying to think about this....the film "I See You" stars Helen Hunt, who looks severly aged...Thinking about all of the recent tornado stories and how I mostly think of "Twister" with her.....but her name "Helen" in relation to Volcanoes makes me think of Mount Saint Helens...
Although, it's not really in Seattle, I still think of Seattle being in the area..
Covenant School=264(FB) and 212
Seattle Washington=264(FB) and 212
264 was the big James Bond Number in relation to Volcanos. 


The film "I See You" premiered on 3/13/2019...so just a week before all of my crazy Volcano syncs in 2019. 

My sync was 82 days before Helen Hunt's bday...

Maybe since that tweet is about a Guinea Pig the volcano symbolism is linked to something like Papa New Guinea...or the Andes where where Guinea Pigs are actually from? 

I had another crazy sync on Friday into work on Saturday with KINGs too. On Friday night I randomly started playing guitar in my chair and for whatever the reason I played "You Ain't Nothing but a Houndog" by Elvis. I played it because I was playing some Nirvana songs like "They Hung Him on a Cross" which are pretty much the same notes....
But anyway, I didn't play for long and then got on the computer to see Rambo had posted a video with thumbnail of Elvis and lyrics to the Houndog song. I didn't end up watching the video yet, but thought it was funny. I then went to work the next day and somehow started talking about the Sacramento KINGS to a new co-worker/my cousin. Our other co-worker then came back from the cooler and stood there for a second. She then looked up and saw our "The Walking Taco" chips, and asked me what the box on the shelf was that said "The KING." She couldn't see that it actually said, "The Walking Taco" and could only see "The King"...I took a picture to show what I mean. 

Think about Elvis being the KING though. 

Prince Philip died on the wedding anniversary of King Charles III and we had a Volcano that same day....Elizabeth II synced to the Volcano symbolism....
Just thinking how today, 3/27, is the death day of King James too. 
We also have a story about the KINGS of Leon member being mad about this Nashville shooting...
Kings of Leon=327(Jewish)

The FROG Prince....The Princess and the Frog...


  1. Helen Hunt was im castaway. He worked for FedEx which is out of Memphis. When he sees Helen Hunt at the end of the film she mentions how a new NFL team the Tennessee Titans lost the Super Bowl by 1 yard.

  2. I was thinking about the Nashville bombing when Tennessee was eliminated by the Florida Atlantic Owls. The bombing was across from Hooters and Nashville has the Parthenon. The owl is a symbol of Athena/Minerva. Also was thinking about Rambo tonight because The coach of Virginia Tech's women's team looks like Haile Selassie. I think they're the Hogies. Sounds like a sandwich

  3. Lol, they're the Hokies not the Hogies. Mascot is a Turkey.

  4. Audrey is the patron saint of "throat complaints". Taurus rules the neck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86thelthryth

    Her feast day is June 23 or 23/6.
    Courtesy of Seven7One1
