Sunday, February 26, 2023

Synchronicity at Work on Wednesday With Finger and Futurama and the Number 4


I have heard people say "4" a bunch of times today. Just random things, like my coworker asking how long burritos cooked and someone said 4 minutes....then the first phone call was an order for 4 large pizzas..just all day...

So it's finally slowed down and I went to Facebook and the first post is from my retired co-workers son. Of course, it would be connected to the number "4"...Notice the post he shared was from "Four Finger Discount"...and it's also about Futurama, which my son had synchronicity last night with involving the number 4.

I then started thinking how a lot of the characters on Futurama are drawn with only 4 fingers...such as Fry, Leela in the pic above..

I then started thinking how I recently talked about Fingertips and the Raquel girl I know who cut off the tip of her sortve like having 4 fingers, or she has 4 full fingers...

The Raquel thing was related to the band Korn...
Instantly, when I think of the number 4, I am reminded that the song "Clown" starts off with one of the guys saying "Four" a few times...
Clown is track #4 and Korns 4th single on the self titled album.

Four=456(Eng Ext)
456 big with the Money theme...and English Extended always important to my syncs..

I'm trying to think about this as I don't see the Gematria significance of Clown and such...

Last night it involved the president...a day Presidents serve 4 year terms...

Maybe something important will happen 4 days from yesterday?...or 4 days from today is 2/26...something I've been watching for for a while.

In relation to Clown...the guy who shared that post is a tall red head, and I feel like people used to call him Ronald McDonald, but I could be wrong...but that is a clown..
Plus, the Fingertip stuff was important to a sync I had at McDonalds.

I thought I posted this blog post too....I do this all the time lol....I start a blog post and must not push Publish....

This happened on Wednesday, February 22nd. 

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