Friday, February 3, 2023

Dallas Flooding Video Re-Uploaded On Zach's Gematria Effect News 25 Channel-Synchronicity with Highland Park and More-Eagles-Earthquake/Bridge/Drowning/Money


One of Zach's videos from 8/22/22 about the Dallas Flooding got re-uploaded today. He says he didn't do it...
Go figure something odd like this would happen on the 33rd day of the year considering all of the 33 around Zach. 
Plus, 8/22/22 was a span of 33 days after Zach's bday. 

It's also a span of 170 days before his bday. 
Zachary Keefe Hubbard=170
Dallas, Texas=170(FB) and 234(FB)
8/22 is the 234th day of the year. 

Weather warfare=226
Flooding=226(Eng Ext) and 186(Jewish)
Dallas Flooding=322(Jewish)

Today is also 165 days after Zach's bday.
Yellowstone=165(Zach mentions in video)
Neil Armstrong=165(Zach's birthday)
I figured I would just listen to this video and see if anything sparked my brain....but as I'm listening to it, I decided to look at Zach's blog...
I saw the most recent post he has is about 3 rappers being found dead in Highland Park....right as I saw this blog post, Zach mentioned Matt Stafford and Highland Park in the video(7:57 mark). 
So now I'm looking back at my posts that involved Highland...
We had the Highland Park shooting on the 4th of July. I talked about Dwayne Haskins and how I mentioned Tony Danza in my Dwayne Haskins posts...Recall that Tony Danza was linked to the Philadelphia Eagles....
I also had synchronicity with Tony Danza when my son was born, just days before the Eagles won the Super Bowl in 2018...
Anyway, I later pointed out in the Highland Park Parade shooting that there was also two Philadelphia Police officers shot that day during a fireworks show....

What I find so interesting after reading this post though, is that at the end I mentioned how Macho Man/Randy Savage..and also Sylvester Stallone. 

It stands out to me, because earlier tonight I read this article about Sylvester Stallone having a reality TV Show that is coming out this spring...I mean think about it...the Eagles in the Super Bowl and now Rocky has a reality show lol...
But it also stands out, because Wrestler Lanny Poffo died today....He is the brother of the Macho Man/Randy Savage. 
And notice how TMZ tells us that Hacksaw Jim Duggan is mourning his loss...
Recall that I've often compared my Uncle Clancy to Hacksaw Jim Duggan...and my Uncle Clancy died after the Eagles won Super Bowl 52. 

Also, my synchronicity I had with Family Guy on the day my son Zamien was born (1/17/2018) involved Sylvester Stallone and Tony Danza. 

All of this was linked to a Bridge/Earthquake Theme that coincided with a Money/DROWNING Theme. 

A lot of the stuff in my post about the Highland Park parade shooting also involved Queen Elizabeth....London Bridge...Liz on....and with the Eagles being in the Super Bowl...there has to be a connection to this. 
Dallas Flooding...Water..Money..Drowning..

Another interesting thing is that I blogged about Macho Man with the Spider stuff back in October...If you read that post I mentioned how my friend Tim was Macho Man for Halloween the year before...Well, a few hours ago I found out he was arrested yesterday, so I've been talking to my friend Sturgill trying to get details on what was going on...but moral of the story is that is can't be a coincidence. 
In that Macho Man post I also mentioned how I had synchronicity with Zamien's tablet, and an earthquake that makes a building collapse...

I'm looking at the Village People considering they have the song "Macho Man."
The Construction Worker was born in San Andreas, California..
San Andreas Fault..Earthquakes..
David Hodo=44 and 213(FB)
Earthquake=44 and 213(FB)

Richard Davis Hodo=236(FB)
Recall that I have been seeing the number 236 a bunch. 

San Andreas=226(FB)

Lanny Poffo and Macho Man death days are 107 days apart..
Think how Hulk Hogan is linked to Earthquake and Philadelphia. 
Hogan's bday also important to San Francisco...

Thinking about the Hulk Hogan narrative....
2/3/2023 is the 34th day of the year.
Think how we are in the 34th year of "They Live." 
Roddy Piper/Ronda Rousey synced to 34 and the Philadelphia narrative. 
2/3/23 will also be a span of 190 days before Hulk Hogan's bday. 
190 was a big number on Piper and Rousey too. 
Terry Eugene Bollea=190(Wiki has changed this againt though)

John Carpenter born on 1/16...the Bear Spray day...

What I find most interesting about this video being re-uploaded is that the original came from Gematria Effect New 24...and now it's re-uploaded onto Gematria Effect News 25...

Gematria Effect News 24=186(Umbrella Number)
The Rainmaker...think about that with the Umbrella. 

Today is 443 days before GM News 24 was created. 
GM News 24 was also created 8 months 6 days before Zach's bday. 
443 the 86th prime..

But what stands out to me is that it was started on 11/16..
Today is  a span of 2 months 18 days after 11/6. 
Recall how the Artemis I launch was important to Zach and the videos with SciManDan/The Moon....All about 218...and Artemis I didn't actually launch until 11/16, which was 2 months 18 days after the original date. 
Gematria Effect News 25 was started 3 months 22 days after GMN 24. 

Notice the 22.8 K Subs too...
The Dallas video on 22/8. 

In relation to the Royal Family....the English Civil War began on 22/8. 
English Civil War=234
22/8 the 234th day. 
Dallas, Texas=234(FB)
Oliver Cromwell=234(FB)
So on..

Charles III=234(Jewish)

Cavalier is a follower of King Charles during English Civil War. 

There has to be more of a Dallas connection though...
Abe Lincoln..SB 57

Highland Park, Texas was bought by a group of investors from PHILADELPHIA...
High Land won't get Flooded...


  1. What is weird, there's a band I've never heard of up here in Canada called, not too far from me called the Standstills. I've heard their new song on the local radio and they have "the Eagles of Death Metal on their album. The album came out Nov. 4/22, 100 or 101 days before the SB. That November 4th date has the exact date numerology as February 12/23. I don't know if there's any connection but I haven't heard of The Eagles of Death Metal since the Bataclan Hoax.

  2. I forgot to mention, there is a song on that album called Valhalla. I've been all over the Anglo-Saxons due to the Royal family lineage and their claim to lineage to Wodan/Odin. Valhalla is where they claim to go when they die.
