Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sharon Osbourne in Austin Powers Goldmember and Synchronicity With Little Orphan Annie


When looking at Sharon Osbourne the other night, I noticed she was in the film "Austin Powers in Goldmember." This is a film that I have mentioned a ton of times and how I've never actually watched. I mean I've seen bits and pieces, but I have never watched the movie from beginning to end. 
Anyway, I also thought it may be important, because earlier in the day before posting about Sharon Osbourne, I talked about Austin Powers and how I have never fully watched Goldmember. 

So when I saw that Sharon Osbourne was in the film, I went and looked it up. I thought it was interesting that it came out on 7/26, which is a date I was talking about in my posts leading up to this...7/26/23 is when Tisha B'Av begins....
Plus, recall that Tisha B'Av in 2019 was linked to the Kanye West/Slipknot narrative with the film "Bohemian Rhapsody" coming out...It actually came out the same day they announced Slipknot would be playing at the Iowa State Fair for the first time on Tisha B'Av in 2019. This was important to Mike Myers(Austin Powers), because he is also in the film "Bohemian Rhapsody." 

Sharon Rachel Osbourne=726(Primes)

So I'm watching the film now and what stands out right away is that Tiny Lister in the film. He has a few lines around the time Dr. Evil sings "It's a Hard Knock Life." Recall that Tiny Lister was also important in my original post about Zenith and Sharon Osbourne. I know there's something important to this further, because the same day we had the Sharon Osbourne story, the first thing I saw when I got to work was the new girl on the floor cleaning. No one ever cleans that way, so I made a joke how she reminded me of Little Orphan Annie and I started singing, "It's a Hard Knock Life." 
I don't understand the connection, but there almost has to be something connected to Little Orphan Annie that I don't see yet..
The "Annie" I remember the most is Aileen Quinn from the 1980's film...
Notice that she shares the exact same bday as Elon Musk...6/28/1971...
Tiny Lister also born on 6/24, another date I recently mentioned...

Mentioned 499 a bit in the previous few posts too..

Little Orphan Annie also reminds me of a video I made a long time ago. I was uploading my Brandon Bourbon video about the number 155 and then someone named "YesEthan" commented on a old video I had about Orphan Annie...I put that video out on the 155th day, so I knew it was connected. The person is now called "Solarius"...They went from around 20K subs to 0 Subs and now it says the name is different but they got the subs back....But I'm mentioning this only because I see a "YE" in the video with their logo. 
This makes me think of Kanye West and how this narrative with Slipknot is related. 
Plus, that narrative had a lot to do with FREDDY and GRAY...and the writer of "Little Orphan Annie" was Harold GRAY. 

Recall how Slipknot has the song called "H377"
So on...
So it has to be related lol. 

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