Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Synchronicity With My Elon Musk Starlink Satellite Post Today-Eddie Vedder-Alice-Ben Folds-P.O.D

 I'm at work today and one of the twins was telling Gail how she is scared to fly. Gail was telling her about turbulence on a plane she was on and such. I then told them about the times I've been in a small airplane and whatnot.

Gail then brought up 9/11 and the planes. She was talking about how she remembered 9/11 and whatnot..I went on to tell them how I saw a UFO the night before story that I've mentioned a ton of times, and how George Bush came to Offutt Air Force Base near where I saw the UFO on 9/11.

Gail was then telling me how she thinks she saw one a UFO a while back, cause there was some weird lights in the sky.

I them asked her if it was maybe the Elon Musk Starlink Satellites that I once thought were a UFO too...but it wasn't what she saw.

I then went back and looked at my post about the Starlink Satellites. I see I talked about Eddie Vedder in that post. This stands out to me, because this morning I was watching Facebook shorts..and one of Pearl Jam on Howard Stern was playing...I set my phone down to find my clothes and such, and the clip played like 5 times.. 

I also talked about the film "Alive" in that old post. The film is about a plane crash lol, so it's perfect for the synchronicity today.

I also talked about the band POD in the previous post in relation to their album "Satellite" that released on 9/11/2001. I went to school for radio broadcasting at the time and I always remember that POD album and flyers of it coming out on the desk at the radio station.

This is funny, because after we talked about the plane stuff at work today, JJ, the radio guy came in. I haven't seen him in a while, but when he comes, It's usually to record a new commercial for the gas stations commercial on the sure enough, I had to go back and do some voice lines for our commercial. 

So even him showing up is related to that post...

On 9/6/24, while at work, I also randomly remembered the song, "Rockin the Suburbs" by Ben Folds....when I looked it up, I noticed that the album came out on 9/11/2001 as well. I didn't blog about it, because I forgot, but I did screenshot it....I just thought it was weird, because I don't remember that song releasing on that day, just the POD album.

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