Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dream a Little Dream Synchronicity With Supernatural

Earlier tonight, YouTube recommended the film, "Dream a little Dream." It said it was free, and I thought it was interesting in relation to the recent Father symbolism. I've never seen the film, so I clicked on it, amd thought I may watch it later tonight. 

So now I'm laying in bed, and decided I would just watch Supernatural instead and try to go to sleep.

I watched about 15 minutes that was left of an episode, and of course, the next episode is called, "Dream a little Dream of Me." 

Season 3 Episode 10

Recall that my dad's father died on 3/10.

I'll think more about this tomorrow, as I really need to get sleep.

One last thing that I just thought of in relation to all of the 222 in the previous posts related to the Father symbolism.

Recall that the psychic lady from my Dream Theme was born on 2/22...and her husband died 4 months 18 days after her bday, and her name sums to 418..

Marilyn Manson also got his gimmick from Dream a little Dream according to Corey Feldman....

And in relation to Prince...I find it funny that the other night I called Pat, Corey Feldman...because we played, "Let's Go Crazy" and he does a solo at the end, and it was sloppy like Corey Feldmans video of guitar solo.

I also blogged in June how Supernatural is synced to tje Dream/Father symbolism with 184.


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