Thursday, September 5, 2024

Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger 123, 292, 106-Dream Theme

One last thing before I stop blogging tonight....but my brain won't seem to let this go....My book and 10/6 was important in my post about Mystik Dan winning the Kentucky Derby. Recall that D-Day and Volcano's have been important to the Kentucky Derby as well...

Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger aka Dream Master....was born on D-Day. 

Freddy Krueger=292(FB)

292 a number I've recently been mentioning. 

It just seems there may be something important to Robert Englund that I can't shake out of my head. Who knows, I blogged about him with the Jay Leno stuff before too, and I don't recall anything happening, but this time I have a stronger feeling, so much that I'm making a random blog post about it. 

Maybe it's because his bday is a span of 123 days before 10/6, and I just blogged about all of the 123's too. 

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