Thursday, September 5, 2024

Synchronicity With Heart Shaped Chicken Strip Today-Creep and STP-Jay Leno 123- 292


I never said anything about the Jay Leno stuff at work yesterday or today. 

Go figure, today Heather is running the fryer and tells me that a chicken strip looks like a Heart lol...

What are the odds that she would randomly talk about a chicken strip looking like something after my post yesterday? I can't help but laugh at all of the synchronicities I have during the day.
A little while after this, I was talking about how YouTube recommended some video about a guy who lost half his body in an accident. I thought it was a weird recommendation as I've never looked at anything of the sort.

The only thing I could think was that on Saturday when I was loading my DJ equipment, my friend Danny rode by on his motorcycle listening to "Creep" by STP. The lyrics say, "Half the man I used to be."

Anyway, I was then singing that song and I said if I got cut in half like that, I would play that song and ride around my wheelchair just to mess with people's heads.

I then walked around the corner and my friend Danny was up front paying for stuff...I had no idea he was in the store lol.
Scott Weiland was born on October 27th too...the day of the Chicken Strip that looked like Jay Leno.

Scott Weiland=292(Rev Composite)

Notice Scott Weiland died on 12/3 too.
Recall that after he died, Chester Bennington sang for STP, and then he died 123 days after his bday.

Recall that 123 is the big number with the Jay Leno stuff.

Chester also joined STP on 5/18, which was the day Chris Cornell would later die in connection to Chester.

Danny rode by my house a span of 3 months 16 days after his bday. 316

His bday is 5/16
The 418th Composite is 516.

His bday is 201 days after my Chicken Strip sync...and 201 days before Scott Weilands death on Ozzy Osbournes bday.
We even have 201 mutual friends on Facebook.

His name also sums to 201 if you go by his Facebook of "Dan" instead of Danny. 

Probably just the Jesuits making him drive by lol.

In relation to Jay Leno though, Danny is a cop in Denison. But just because he is a cop doesn't prove he is part of some conspiracy, amd trust me, I'm 100 percent positive he doesn't practice Gematria.

Oddly enough, though, the accident where the kid was cut in half was on 9/27, the Jesuit anniversary lol, but once again, just because you can see a pattern connected to a theme with the Jesuits, it doesn't prove that group is responsible for that connection. It's just "A" path to understand the pattern.

Lauren Schauers=1158(Rev Sum)
Just funny that I blogged about this number last night, and rarely see it come up in any cipher at all.
I'm writing this at work and I had to stop for a bit. I just got back on my phone and looked at the time...of course, it's 2:01 PM.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday's shooting was 677 months after the MLK assassination. 123rd prime. I've done several community post about tomorrow's date. That'll be 122 weeks after my heart chakra opened 5/6/22. Kodi has been talking about 9/13/24 which will be 123 weeks. 122 makes me think of you cause of your birth numerology. 9/13 is interesting too cause it's the anniversary of Tupac dying. Same last name as Trump's shooter, Crooks.
