Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Linkin Park's New Female Singer and My Synchronicity With STP/Chester Bennington Post-Father Symbolism-Native American Theme


A few days ago Yahoo had a headline article about the new lead singer of Linkin Park. I thought this was funny as I just mentioned Chester Bennington in relation to my synchronicity with STP and Jay Leno. 

Think about Linkin Park adding a FEMALE lead singer, just like how Marilyn Manson has it's first Female member. 

Oddly enough, she joined Linkin Park on 9/5, which was the same day as my synchronicity and post involving Chester Bennington. 

Emily Armstrong=316(Rev Composite)
Notice how my post about STP/Chester was in relation to the number 123. 

Notice how Emily Armstrong joined Linkin Park a span of 123 days after her bday. 

It's also interesting that my post with STP/Chester involved my friend DANNY. If you look up Emily Armstrong, she grew up in Scientology, and was questioned about her support of DANNY Masterson. 
Further, my post about Danny Masterson being guilty of Rape involved the FATHER Symbolism. It was more to do with the Catholic Theme in relation to FATHER, but that was all interrelated too. Funny how last weekend I was talking about Father Howard and the story of how he possibly molested me too. 

Father Howard=316(Rev Composite)
I was trying to Father Howard's bday and the first post that came up was his FATHER's obituary. Notice that his Father died on 9/6, which is the same day I saw the story about the Emily Armstrong becoming the Linkin Park singer. I just find that crazy lol. 

It's even more odd that I'm looking this up today, because it's 123 days before Father Howard's bday...and today is the anniversary of his Father's funeral. 
Armstrong also joined Linkin Park 189 days before Danny Masterson's bday. 

Emily Armstrong=189(Simple) and 189(Reverse)

From Zero=189(Composite)(Upcoming Linkin Park Album). 

Trying to piece this together...Chester Bennington's death was super linked to the Eclipse, but also to Chicago and the St. Valentines Day Massacare..then we got the Stoneman Douglas shooting on Valentines the following year....Valentines is 3 months 16 days after the Stock Market Crash anniversary....and recall the St. Valentines Day Massacre happened in 1929, the year of the Stock Market Crash. 

10/29/24 will be the 95th Stock Market Crash Anniversary...
Linkin Park added Emily on 9/5. 
95 is a huge number around me.
95 also big with the Jesuit Theme.
Emily Armstrong is also in the band "Dead Sara" which got it's name from the Fleetwood Mac song "Sara." 
Fleetwood Mac is part of the DREAM Theme from 2015. 

I haven't posted about James Earl Jones yet, but he is synced to the Cleveland Indians(Guardians)....I'm just mentioning this as the other girl in Dead Sara is named in honors of the Sioux Tribe....and recall how Standing Rock was big in the news in 2016 when James Earl Jones wife died, and the Indians were playing the Cubs in the World Series. 

In relation to my old priests, recall that Father Paul was a Jesuit who spent a lot of time on the Rosebud Indian Reservation too. 

Indians=123(composite) and 189(Rev Composite)

It seems there is something going on with that 2016 Baseball Narrative again. 

The Cleveland Guardians even played the Chicago White Sox yesterday(Think Field of Dreams)


1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting pattern with Linkin Park. Chester Bennington was in a band called Grey Days. He left that band to start Linkin Park. Grey days replaced him with a female singer, Jodi Wendt and changed their name to Waterface.
