Monday, June 24, 2024

Train Bridge in Sioux city Partial Collapse-My Old Post About The Dream Theme with Sioux City Connected to All My Synchronicities Today


I blogged yesterday that I think today is connected to the Bridge Collapse/Drowning Theme. 
Now today we get a partial Bridge Collapse in Sioux City, Iowa, which is about an hour north from me. 

Even funnier that it is a TRAIN Bridge and recall that the DREAM Theme is synced to Trains. 

Train bridge=190
Today leaves 190 days in the year(Although it apparently started going late last night). 
This stands out to me with Aleister Crowley and today being a span of 4 months 18 days before my bday. 
Aleister Crowley=190

I searched my blog for "Sioux City" and go figure, I have a post about the Dream theme. If you get a chance, check out this post lol. It literally involves everything that happened today with my previous post. 
Basically I went and saw the film "The Black Phone" in Sioux City in 2022. We never go to Sioux City, we just randomly decided to do something different that day. 
But notice I talked about my Dad and the date 6/24. I also talked about my uncle Raymond from Seattle, who is randomly in town today. Weirder yet, I mentioned how I had a Dream of trying to take a picture of tin foil...and then my cousin Justin asked me to go to Kentucky with him in the Dream...
This stands out, because my uncle Raymond was in the gas station two times today. The second time was later in the day, and my cousin Justin was in the store at the same time. They didn't come together or anything...I joked that my mom would be coming in at 4, if they wanted to stay and have a family reunion. Now I'm seeing this post where I mentioned my dad, my uncle Raymond, and my cousin Justin? Just can't make it up lol. I even talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this post...which is the other thing I've been blogging about. 

Donald Sutherland in "Mr. Harrigan's PHONE"
The Black PHONE
Both came out in 2022...
The Black Phone came out on 6/24. 
I dropped my newer phone and cracked the screen in the early hours of Friday. 

Mr. Harrigan's Phone=184(Number I keep seeing)

Bobby messaged me about this film the other day...I mentioned McMinnville, Oregon in this old blog post..He is from McMinnville, Tennessee. 

June 30th leaves 184 days
July 3rd is the 184th day. (This year it's July 2nd)
7/2 or 72 is important to Aleister Crowley..

I wonder about Australia that post I mentioned how there is another Raymond Behrendt that added me from Australia. There are tons of posts with people telling him Happy Bday on 3/10 too...but it's actually on 3/11....I assume from the time change? Still, it stands out, because 310 was big with Australia and the Buffy narrative. 

The Train/Dream Theme was linked to 3/10 in 2022..
My Dad's Father died on 3/10/2020. 
The 310 mile dust storm in Australia the same day the Buffy narrative began...
Buffy all about 310. 

There was also the big Dust Storm on the anniversary of the Philadelphia Train Wreck in Sioux Falls...

In relation to the Tin Foil synchronicity...

Sam Tripoli=184(FB)(Tin Foil Hat Podcast)

Tin Foil=624(Trigonal)

Bridge Collapse=128

My cousin Justin shares a bday with Hillary it links to the JFK Files stuff with Buffy. 

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