Friday, June 21, 2024

Donald Sutherland Dead Days After Justin Timberlake Arrested-2017 Stand By Me/JFK Narrative-Kneeling Narrative-Buffy The Vampire Slayer


Before I even start this post, I have to point out a synchronicity. I had just uploaded the above pictures, and then I hear the TV say "The Hunger Games." 
Just before this, I got a notification for Sports Gematria's video about Zach and baby ACE. I watched the short video, and then the ad on the TV was for Ace Hardware Store. Although, the baby is going to be a girl now, the video was about Zach being wrong about it being a boy. 

I'm adding this a few hours after posting this post, but I just typed Ace Hardware out. 

Ace Hardware=418(FB) and 172
Donald Sutherland=172

Anyway, the first thing that sticks out to me with Donald Sutherland dying is that he died 3 months 10 days after 3/10. Recall that 310 is the big "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" number along with the date 3/10. 

Donald portrays Merrick in Buffy the film. 

Donald Sutherland died a few days after Justin Timberlake was arrested for DWI on 6/18. 
What I find funny is that just days before Justin Timberlake was arrested, I was thinking about him and Janet Jackson. This is because I randomly noticed the number 1814 is written on the donut trays at work. 
Recall that Janet sang songs from her album Rhythm Nation 1814 just before Justin Timberlake showed her boob. This was linked to the Kneeling during the National Anthem Theme, because 1814 is the year Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem. 
Then they announced Justin Timberlake would be performing the halftime show of Super Bowl 52, which was the year Donald Trump called out the kneeling and such. 

Think how we just had the Francis Scott Key Bridge being crashed into, and how it was linked to Super Bowl 52. 

The reason I am putting this together with the death of Donald Sutherland, is that just after they announced Justin Timberlake to do the SB 52 Halftime Show, there was a theme that involved Kiefer and Donald Sutherland. 
Recall that Charles Manson was linked to the Kneeling narrative, and later that month we had a story about a Manson Family member on the same day they released the JFK files. Then we had Rose McGowan in the news for the Harvey Weinstein stuff...but she used to date Marilyn MANSON, and was in his Coma White video that re-enacted the JFK assassination. 
They released the JFK files on Hillary Clinton's bday 10/26/2017. 

This was 10 days before 11/5, which is 144 days after Trump's bday. 
We had previously pointed out the connection to Presidents and death with 10 days before and 144. 
Such as Abe Lincoln having a DREAM that he would be assassinated 10 days before he was shot on 14/4. 
JFK also died 144 days after meeting the Pope. 
So on..

So the date 11/5/2017 seemed to be important that year. 

Marilyn Manson's also had released the song "Say10" with the original video mocking a Trump assassination. 

In the mix of all this, I noticed that Rose McGowan was involved with the "Children of God" group, which was the same group River Phoenix grew up in. Then on the death anniversary of River Phoenix, the actor Jerry O'Connell was on the Wendy Williams show when she collapsed dressed as the Statue of Liberty. We had also had a recent story about Corey Feldman starting an Indiegogo campaign about Hollywood Pedophilia at this time. 

Jerry O'Connell, Corey Feldman and River Phoenix were all in the film "Stand by Me." This led me to believe there was a theme with that movie, so I was watching for Wil Wheaton or Kiefer Sutherland to be in the news. Then a few days later, Wil Wheaton was on the newest episode of "The Big Bang Theory." This was the only show I watched every week at the time, and he hadn't been on the show for over a season, so I knew it was important. 

Then on 11/5/2017, the big Headline story was a Church shooting in SUTHERLAND Springs. The media then had a story where Wil Wheaton said praying didn't help the victims. So we had a story with Wil Wheaton on the same day as the SUTHERLAND Springs Church shooting. This also happened to fall on 11/5, which was a day I was watching for with the Donald Trump/JFK story. 
Further, when following the Stand by Me Theme, I pointed out how DONALD Sutherland was in the film "JFK." 

Marilyn Manson also got injured after a Gun prop fell on him in New York at the end of September 2017. He canceled all of this shows and began touring again on 11/5/17. He brought a gun prop microphone on the stage at the 11/5 concert which caused controversy too. 

I guess the point that I'm making is that the upcoming election will fall on 11/5/2024. 

Donald Sutherland just died age 88. 
The Star Spangled Banner=88
So on...
If you watch my Justin Timberlake video on YouTube, I mentioned a ton of 88 in the beginning. 
Donald Sutherland died 138 days before 11/5. 

Donald Trump=138

As much as I've talked about 418, it's interesting the story of Justin Timberlake came 4 months 18 days after his bday, and 4 months 18 days before 11/5. 

So probably gonna get more stories connected to what I was documenting around 2017. 

It's funny that I started watching "Supernatural" recently too. I've mentioned to other people multiple times that it reminds me of how "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the TV show was filmed. 

Donald Sutherland also died on the Summer Solstice. 
This stands out, because Buffy's name is Buffy SUMMERS. 

Donald Sutherland=172
He died on the 172nd day of 2024. 

I also find it interesting that I just blogged about the number 184, and he died 184 days after Kristy Swanson's bday(Buffy). 

Sarah Michelle Gellar(Buffy) was born on 14/4. 

Kristy Swanson=144

Donald died a span of 144 days before my bday. 

This makes me think the narrative I am showing is spot on. 

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