Friday, June 28, 2024

History of the Number 184 on my Blog and the Number 711


I went back and looked to see if I documented about the number 184 in the past. 
The first time I posted about the number was the death of Alexander Hamilton. He died a span of 184 days after his bday. Although, he was shot on 7/11 and died on 7/12. 

As I was searching, the majority of the posts with 184 involve 2017, and the Price is Right/Jesuit Theme I was following. 

I had the synchronicity with my daughter with South Park and the episode that came out on the 184th day of the year. 

Claire Bobbi Jo Cowgill=184

Father Paul died 184 days after the Jesuit anniversary that year. 
I later had the synchronicity with Happy Gilmore/Bob Barker, and realized the connection to Father Paul with Rosebud Indian Reservation. 
Drew Allison Carey=184

What I find interesting is that my first post involved 7/11. 

711 is a number I've mentioned with Aleister Crowley and my connections to him. 

Father Paul=711(Eng Ext) (This is what I always called him)

There's a lot more to these synchronicities, but I don't want to list them all. I'm just pointing out how 184 and 711 may go together with my recent stuff. 
Plus, 184 is synced to my FATHER and the Dream symbolism...This theme also had to do with my Father, with Priests being called "Father." 

Considering, Bob Barker died last year right after I blogged he may die...and then Carl Weathers died...and we are getting the crazy tornados and floods in Iowa...has to be something to it. 

Then when you factor in how my thoughts about Bob Barker were because of Jason Aldean/Las Vegas Attack...which was synced to Super Bowl 58..then Shifty Shellshock of Crazy Town died, and he was connected to Jason Aldean. 

I did get a spammed message on that old post about the Simpsons/Gambling episode a week or so ago too. This is where Mr. Burns face says "Freemason's run the country." And then all of the connections to the date 6/24 with these recent themes...

Freemasonry=184(FB) and 165(FB)
So on..

The joke of that Simpson's episode was about Howard Hughes, who killed a pedestrian in a drunk driving accident on 7/11/1936. 

I kept seeing 711 all day yesterday too, so I think it's important. 

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