Saturday, June 22, 2024

3 Killed 10 Wounded in Arkansas Grocery Store Shooting-Buffy the Vampire Slayer Synchronicity-JFK


I made my blog post yesterday about Donald Sutherland and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A few minutes later I looked at my phone to see the time, as I told the kids I would take them to the swimming pool. Of course, it was 3:10 PM when I looked at my phone. I took a screenshot, but Zamien is playing a game on my phone right now, so I can't add it yet. 

Recall that the big number with Buffy is 310. It stemmed back to 11/22/2018, when there was a story of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the news, the same day as a 310 mile dust storm in Australia. 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer=310
The TV show aired it's first episode on 3/10. 

David Arquette was in the news just days before this, so I thought something was important to Buffy would be coming up soon. Then 3 months 10 days later, Luke Perry died. He was Buffy's boyfriend on the film, and David Arquette was his best friend in the film. 

A ton of other things that went along with this as the year went on too...

Funny that I never put the 11/22/2018 date together in my previous post though. I was talking about how the Buffy symbolism is related to JFK...and 11/22 is the day JFK died....So it's for sure connected to the narrative in my previous post. 

Anyway, how funny is it that last night the major headline in the news was a shooting at an Arkansas Grocery Store...and they specifically headlined it with "Killed 3 Wounded 10." The number 310. 

I have to DJ a wedding soon, so I don't have time to look at the story yet...but felt like documenting it before I forgot. 
Funnier yet, I was taking a bath a bit ago and I turned on Supernatural and was listening to it. Of course, it's a episode where two guys say "WWBD", which stood for "What Would Buffy Do." It was a reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer too. 

It's the 17th episode called "Hell House." 

What Would Buffy Do=310(FB)

The episode was basically about manifesting a ghost by collective conscious. 

As I've said, I really didn't like the Buffy TV Series, so I don't know much about it. I looked it up again and saw that Buffy's mom is played by the actress Kristine SUTHERLAND. She isn't related to Donald Sutherland, but got her actress name because she had a cat named Donald. The cat was named after Donald a weird thing...and then both of them are involved with Buffy the Vampire Slayer? 

If I had to guess, I would think that this shooting in Arkansas is related to why they released the JFK files on Hillary Clinton's bday in 2017. Or I guess, technically it was the day Trump ordered the release of the documents. Bill Clinton was from Arkansas. 

1 comment:

  1. Dornoch won Belmont Stakes. Dornoch was the last place they burned a witch at the stake. Dornoch is in Sutherland County. In Mr. Harrigan's Phone Donald's character speaks from behind the grave. From the release of that film to his death is 624 days. Thinking maybe something related to his death happens Monday.

    Necromancy= Witchcraft in 3/4 base
